you are the love of my life

Chapter 480 Successfully transfer hatred

Chapter 480 Successfully transfer hatred
Before Qiao Nansheng left, he pursed his lips and looked at Gu Xiyuan with some reluctance, but he didn't say much. There were complicated thoughts in his eyes, and more, he actually hoped that she would change her mind.

"Nan Sheng, you've been drinking, don't drive, find a replacement driver, and pay attention to safety on the road."

Her hypocritical concern still made Qiao Nansheng jump for joy.

But he didn't show it on his face, but nodded indifferently, "Okay, you should also be more careful."

After Qiao Nansheng left, Gu Xiyuan also came out of the hotel, and she stood by the roadside waiting for the driver to pick her up.

Suddenly a white unlicensed car stopped in front of her, "Beauty, where are you going? I'll give you a ride."

"No need!" Gu Xiyuan refused coldly, feeling that there was something wrong with this car at a glance.

A strange fragrance suddenly wafted from the car and hit her nostrils suddenly. She took a breath unexpectedly, and by the time she realized it, she was dizzy and her body became limp uncontrollably.

From a distance, seeing the driver's car approaching, she couldn't even open her mouth to shout.

The strange man in the car quickly stepped down and forcibly pushed her into the car.

"Miss, you're welcome. I always serve beautiful women for free." The driver said with a naughty smile.

Gu Xiyuan could only ask for help with her eyes. She looked out the window anxiously, but no one noticed the abnormality here.

Just now she had been standing on the side of the road waiting for the bus. Even if someone saw her getting into an unlicensed car, they would only think it was a black car driver, just trying to solicit business.

Gu Xiyuan was in a hurry, feeling that she was too careless and fell into someone else's trap, but at this moment her body was completely out of control.

He could only let this strange driver take her to nowhere.

She thought that this kind of kidnapping and trafficking would only happen on the news, but she never dreamed that it would happen to her.

The mobile phone was in her bag, but she didn't have the strength to reach it, and she couldn't make a sound. She could only watch the cars coming and going outside, but she didn't even have the means to call for help.

The car soon stopped in a small alley, a street full of beauty salons, and the shop was full of women, wearing very revealing clothes.

When Gu Xiyuan was dragged out of the car, her pupils suddenly shrank!
Could this be the legendary red-light district——

"Hey, she is wearing a famous brand. She looks like a rich lady. She must have never been to this kind of pheasant shop. What are you doing in a daze? Let's go in."

The driver behind him, with a lot of tattoos on the back of his hand, rudely pushed Gu Xiyuan into one of the hair salons.

Gu Xiyuan didn't know what medicine he had given herself, and she couldn't exert any strength in her hands and feet.

She could only stare at the man fiercely with her eyes, which made her want to vomit.

"Miss Gu, don't blame me. I also use money to do things. The rules of Taoism are like this. Money can make ghosts grind. I'm sorry, if you want to hate, hate the person who has hatred against you!" The man explained with a smile .

Gu Xiyuan couldn't open her mouth, so she could only ask him with her eyes, who was the murderer.

The man seemed to understand what she meant, and said lazily, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, her surname is Qin."

"...Qin Yise?!"

Gu Xiyuan never dreamed that it was Qin Ziqing who had the audacity to plan these people to kidnap her.

Her eyelids became heavier and heavier. Before she fainted, she seemed to think of something, but she uttered two words weakly: "Jin Bei..."

help me.

Then, her vision went dark and she passed out completely.

(End of this chapter)

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