Chapter 481
The proprietress of the hair salon came out, followed by two young young women, Xiao Feifei turned her head to look at Qin Ziqing, and said anxiously, "What should we do with her now?"

"Since she has misunderstood that it was Qin Yise who kidnapped her, of course she will not do anything and will not stop destroying her completely. It is best to torture her so that she cannot survive or die. The harder they tear up, the more we can catch fish. Benefit!"

Qin Ziqing said excitedly.

Xiao Feifei was a little hesitant. Although she hated Gu Xiyuan and Qin Yise when she was in school, she never thought of using this method to harm them.

"After all, she is the eldest daughter of the Gu family. If the matter is revealed, we will be unable to afford it."

"What are you afraid of, let's record more videos and put them in our hands. If she dares to harm us, we will immediately post these things on the Internet. The Gu family has a reputation, so they care about their reputation, so they dare not force it!" Qin Ziqing Full of confidence.

Gu Xiyuan woke up dizzy, opened her eyes, and found herself tied to a stone pillar.

The sun gradually rose from the sea, and the cries of seagulls could be heard endlessly, and the sea water overflowed her waist.

The clothes on her body are still intact, but a little crumpled. It seems that those bastards didn't violate her!

Gu Xiyuan just breathed a sigh of relief, but when she saw her situation clearly, she broke into a cold sweat again.

Did they try to drown her alive?
Qin Yise really knows people, faces, and hearts, but she never thought that she would hire murderers to kidnap herself in order to compete for fame.

Such a vicious mind!

Gu Xiyuan was very anxious, her body was sticky and uncomfortable, she didn't come home last night, did her father know the news of her disappearance?
Would Rong Jinbei feel a little anxious?
At a time like this, would he still favor that femme fatale Qin Yise?
Gu Xiyuan regretted her bowels and didn't raise her vigilance. She actually fell into a trap and was caught here by these people.

What should she do?
How can I escape?
Could it be possible to wait for the sea tide to rise and be drowned alive!
There is a yacht in the distance, slowly approaching.

The man on the deck observed the woman in the water with a telescope, and excitedly told the man beside him: "Brother, you are a stunner, this time the goods are real!"

"Hmph, if Ah Biao still dares to get those vulgar fans to pass off as good, I'll see if I will shoot him dead."

As soon as the man finished speaking, the yacht docked near Gu Xiyuan.

The bodyguard went into the water, picked her up from the water like a chicken, threw her on his shoulders, and carried her onto the yacht.

The rope was still tied tightly around her body, Gu Xiyuan's eyes widened when she saw this strange boatload of men.

They actually regarded themselves as goods?

Buy and sell deals!

She didn't know how long she'd been in the water, but it was clearly a way of dealing.

Gu Xiyuan saw that the yacht was full of extravagance, and it was obviously a gathering place for rich children who combined casinos and entertainment.

Just like Haitian Shengyan, the waitresses coming and going inside are all wearing thin bikinis.

Gu Xiyuan was taken to a large private room, which was luxuriously decorated, and all kinds of men and women were numb when they saw a newcomer coming in, without any difference in expression on their faces.

"Help me..."

Just as Gu Xiyuan called for help, the man who carried her in behind him immediately stuffed a pill into her mouth.

She subconsciously wanted to spit it out, but the man pinched her chin and forced her to swallow it.

(End of this chapter)

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