you are the love of my life

Chapter 482 Beauty and the Beast

Chapter 482 Beauty and the Beast

Here we go again, apart from using drugs to control puppets, don't they have any new tricks at all?

Like brainwashing or something!

Gu Xiyuan is awake, but her body can't use her strength, and her escape is simply whimsical.

These people are like robots, bathing her, putting on makeup, doing her hair...

Almost an hour later, Gu Xiyuan was forced to put on an extremely revealing veil, making it even more tempting to show off.

The man called Big Brother walked in with a gun hanging from his waist, and his tall and mighty body suddenly made the room look much smaller.

He looked at Gu Xiyuan with appreciative eyes, as if he was picking on a product. After a long time, his eyes showed approval.

"Put her in a beast cage and have an auction of Beauty and the Beast. It will definitely be a sensation in the audience!"

"The elder brother is still wise." The younger brother next to him said hastily.

"It's just that I heard that she is Rong Shao's woman and she is pregnant. If the news is accurate, we have to be careful."

The man called Big Brother waved his hand impatiently, "I'm just a businessman, I'm afraid he will do something, that's enough, time is running out, quickly bring this woman out to me."

Gu Xiyuan stared at him resentfully, with no strength in her body, she could only let the bodyguards put her in a cage and be next to the tiger.

The tiger also seemed to have been drugged and had been in a deep sleep.

Gu Xiyuan was so scared that she was sweating all over. She was most afraid of these ferocious animals, and her feet were limp.

The little brother carrying the cage looked at Gu Xiyuan and said, "It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful and temperamental young lady. If my brother hadn't said that this woman can be sold for a good price, I really want to try it."

"Don't dream, how can you afford such a beauty?"

There is still half an hour before the auction, and the people who come here are all looking for excitement.

The thick curtain on the stage covered the back of the scene, Gu Xiyuan's body was shivering, she couldn't see clearly what was going on outside.

The man uncovered half of the red cloth on the cage, and looked down at her condescendingly, as if looking down on an ant.

"Miss Qin asked A Biao to contact me and sold you for 20 yuan. You will definitely be worth a lot at the auction later. This is really a sure-fire deal!"

Gu Xiyuan bit her lips tightly: "Do you want money? I can give you any amount, as long as you make a phone call, Gu's can send you any real estate at will!"

The man smiled contemptuously, took out a black pistol from his waist, and pressed it against her forehead through the cage.

"Miss Gu, I advise you to save your energy. I don't care about real estate at all. To me, it's like a pile of rotten cement. If an old man or a pervert buys you later, just a little girl like you I'm afraid your body won't be able to survive tonight, so it's not too bad to ask Chairman Gu to collect your body."

"What do you want? As long as my Gu family has what I have, I will do anything to satisfy you!" Gu Xiyuan said with difficulty, her eyes were red.

Every time she said a word, she had to exhaust countless strength.


The man laughed loudly when he heard the words, "I want your body and sell it to me for a good price. I'm a common man who only cares about immediate benefits, so don't fucking make terms with me!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around, waved his hand, and ordered: "Look closely, don't make any mistakes, and prepare for the next auction."

"yes, Sir!"

(End of this chapter)

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