you are the love of my life

Chapter 483 She is missing, it's none of my business

Chapter 483 She is missing, it's none of my business
On the other side, the Gu family found that Gu Xiyuan was missing, and the whole family was overwhelmed with anxiety.

The whole city was searched all night, to no avail.

Calling the hotel's surveillance, it was found that in the last missing scene, only Qiao Nansheng had contact with her!

If Rong Jinbei sent someone to do it, then his target could only be a child!

However, Gu's father tried to inquire a few times, but he didn't seem to know.

This matter cannot be spread, otherwise it will cause a great negative impression on the Gu family.

And if you anger the kidnappers, you may be torn apart at any time.
"Master, I still haven't found Miss." The servant hurriedly reported over and over again.

"Where is the traffic bureau?"

"I have no idea." The butler replied cautiously from the side.

Pa——the sound of the cup cracking, mixed with roaring voices: "Find it for me, even if you dig three feet, you must find my daughter and find out who did it, I must skin him! "

Gu Boyan turned around anxiously, walking up and down in the living room.

Even his people dared to move, it was simply impatient to see these people live.

The butler seemed to have thought of something, patted his forehead, and suddenly realized, "Master Nansheng called me yesterday and said that the lady is at the hotel and asked me to send a driver to pick her up. Could it be related to him?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Gu Boyan glared at him viciously.

"But I saw in the surveillance that Master Nan Sheng left first. The lady came out of the hotel half an hour later, so I didn't think much about it." The housekeeper explained weakly.

Father Gu frowned, this matter is definitely not that simple!
Many overseas students disappeared inexplicably, and were finally found kidnapped, and they all died.

His proud daughter is so outstanding, it's outrageous that such a thing would happen to the Gu family!
There is no news from the kidnappers. It's not for money, but for sex?

Gu Boyan called Qiao Nansheng without hesitation, his voice trembling, and roared angrily: "Qiao Nansheng, my daughter is missing! What did you do to her?"

Qiao Nansheng was in a meeting, and when he heard the news, he stood up immediately, ignoring the strange eyes of all the political commissars present, and walked out directly, saying as he walked:
"Uncle Gu, don't worry, just take your time, didn't Xiyuan come home yesterday?"

"She was kidnapped, and the last person she came into contact with was you. If anything happens to my daughter, I will demand your life!"

After Gu's father yelled angrily, he immediately hung up the phone.

He was not given a chance to explain.

Qiao Nansheng frowned, and said to the secretary behind him, "Contact the judicial authorities and use all your connections. Miss Gu's family is missing. Call the armed police. The helicopters are all assembled at the airport."

"Mayor, do you need to ask senior provincial officials for instructions?" The secretary tremblingly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Of course I will ask for instructions. The most urgent thing now is to find someone. Why are you still standing there, dare not even listen to my words?" Qiao Nansheng frowned.

"No." The secretary lowered his head.

"Then act quickly!"

Qiao Nansheng roared angrily, picked up the phone without daring to neglect, and called Rong Jinbei.

Every minute of waiting is suffering for him.

During the whole process, Qiao Nansheng was extremely anxious.

"Hey, Nan Sheng, what do you want me to do?"

Finally connected, Rong Jinbei's slightly tired voice rang through the microphone.

Qiao Nansheng felt that since hearing the news of Gu Xiyuan's disappearance, his soul seemed to be unsheathed, and his head went blank for a long time, unable to recover.

Rong Jinbei's voice came out of nowhere, and the phone almost slipped from his hand——

(End of this chapter)

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