Chapter 499
Qin Yise carefully selected the ingredients in the kitchen for a long time, and when she went to visit the patients, of course she had to have some snacks, so she couldn't be careless.

When she twisted the thermos and went out from the kitchen, it happened that Rong Jinbei came down from the second floor, almost telepathically, their eyes met instantly.

Qin Yise pulled her lower lip lightly, "The soup is ready. I made it myself. It's only natural for you to visit her. At a time like this, I won't join in the fun. I'm tired. Go back to my room to rest."

After she finished speaking, without waiting for the other party to speak, she put the thermos on the table and turned directly into the bedroom.

Rong Jinbei came down from the stairs, glanced at the thermos, then looked towards the direction where Qin Yise's back disappeared, and frowned tightly.

This woman really likes to treat his irony as an imperial decree!
She is usually intimidating and seductive, but I have never seen her so obedient.

Angrily, the man picked up the bottle of tonic soup and strode out the door.

She cooked it herself, how could he give it to others to drink, wait for a while when she is hungry, and then taste it slowly.

Rong Jinbei thought for nothing, got into the car, slammed the steering wheel with his fist, and drove towards the hospital.

Qin Yise closed the door, kicked off her shoes and walked barefoot on the carpet. The empty villa was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard.

The silence is really scary.

She fell powerlessly on the bed, stroking her lower abdomen with both hands, what kind of heart-wrenching torture should a mother lose her child?
She couldn't empathize with Gu Xiyuan's mood, but at least at this time, she wouldn't go all the way!
In a high-end private hospital.

In the obstetrics VIP ward, the eyelids of the person on the bed moved slightly, and the eyes opened a thin slit weakly.

"Wake up, she's awake!"

The little nurse's surprised voice suddenly sounded.


A figure in a hospital gown hurried over, and he staggered and fell beside the hospital bed.

Gu Xiyuan's vision gradually changed from blurry to clear. She blinked before she could see the face in front of her clearly.

She rolled her eyes, and subconsciously looked for Rong Jinbei's figure, but she didn't see the figure she longed for in her heart.

"Xiyuan, it's fine if you wake up, it's fine if you wake up, the rest is not important."

Dr. Meyer stood behind and recorded a series of data, bit the cap of his pen, and complained in a grumpy voice: "It's just a minor operation, it's far worse than the gunshot wound on your body, and you still have the strength to worry about other things." thing!"

Qiao Nansheng looked at the woman on the hospital bed, still loving and pampering her so tenderly that water dripped out.

He got off the operating table without closing his eyes for a moment, and came straight to the maternity ward. God knows how long he waited for the news that Gu Xiyuan woke up.

At this moment, there is an unreal feeling!
"Xiyuan, I am willing to suffer all these pains for you. I have been waiting for you for a long time. God bless you, you have finally woken up." Qiao Nansheng's voice trembled extremely.

He was afraid that this was just a dream. When she woke up from the dream, she was still sleeping, unwilling to face the reality of losing her child.

If she is willing, he can take care of her for the rest of her life, and he will not dislike her for having a miscarriage or having a child.

When Rong Jinbei came in, he saw exactly such a scene. Qiao Nansheng was kneeling in front of the hospital bed, as devout as if treating a rare treasure, and looked at the woman on the bed affectionately.

His voice trembled, like a whisper, like a prayer: "It's all over, the pain is over, believe me, everything will get better slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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