you are the love of my life

Chapter 500 Dismayed

Chapter 500 Dismayed
Rong Jinbei handed the flowers and thermos bottle to the bodyguard at the side, turned around and walked out the door.

This is a good opportunity, Nan Sheng and Gu Xiyuan can take advantage of this to develop a relationship, not necessarily!
When Gu Xiyuan heard the noise, she turned her head numbly, and looked towards the door of the ward, only to see Rong Jinbei's back going away.

She opened her lips, but couldn't utter a single word.

I can only stare at the place where he has been with my eyes, the sadness is so deep that it makes people feel distressed.
"What are you looking at?"

Qiao Nansheng turned his head and looked at it strangely, and found that there was nothing at the door. The original two bodyguards were still standing there, but they had some extra gifts in their hands.

Qiao Nansheng signaled the bodyguard to come in with his eyes, looked at the things in his hand, frowned, and asked, "Who came here just now?"

"It's Rong Shao. He left without saying anything."

Gu Xiyuan listened to their conversation and said nothing.

Miscarriage and Qing Dynasty have done a lot of damage to her body, and maybe she will not be able to conceive in the future.

Because it is not well taken care of, it is easy to fall to the root of the disease.

Qiao Nansheng looked at Gu Xiyuan with some distress, he didn't want to see her unhappy, let alone get hurt.

"Want something to eat?"

he asked softly in her ear.

The doctors and nurses shook their heads, looked at this scene of idiots complaining about men and women, and it was useless to talk about it, so they all backed out.

Gu Xiyuan tasted a few sips of the ginseng and black chicken soup in the thermos. The taste is very light, which is very suitable for patients to eat.

He thought of all these details so thoughtfully, does it mean that he is not completely ruthless to himself?
Gu Xiyuan really wanted to continue deceiving herself and others, but since the child was gone, what else would she use to fight Qin Yise?

Qiao Nansheng watched Gu Xiyuan drink the soup, wiped the corners of her mouth carefully, and after a while, said softly: "Xiyuan, tell me, what are you thinking in your heart now? Are you still obsessed with it?"

His voice was as gentle as ever, but there was an imperceptible distress in his tone.

Gu Xiyuan pursed her lips tightly, and still did not speak. She had nothing else to love except for wanting the child to come back to life.

"The child is gone, you have to accept the reality, this is enough to show that you and Jin Bei have no fate...why make yourself suffer?"

When Gu Xiyuan heard these words, she seemed to be stimulated and knocked the porcelain bowl in his hand to the ground.

Qiao Nansheng expected her to react like this, and couldn't bear it, but still gritted his teeth and said, "I know you miss the child, but he has left you, and you and Jin Bei can't go back either!"

Gu Xiyuan stared at him blankly. After a long time, she covered her cheek tremblingly, and cried out with sobs.

Qiao Nansheng didn't care that his body was covered with soup, he hugged the woman in front of him distressedly, and gently patted her on the back: "Cry, it won't be uncomfortable when you cry, the baby is in heaven, there is no harm there." Pain, no suffering, he will always guard you in heaven."

When Gu Xiyuan heard this, she cried even more sadly.

Her eyes were filled with tears, her lips were biting tightly, and she choked up and said: "I haven't even seen his appearance, it's my fault, I didn't protect him well."

"It's not your fault, it's those bad guys. I will bring them to justice." Qiao Nansheng hugged her tightly and comforted her repeatedly.

Gu Xiyuan leaned against his chest, shedding tears silently.

The trump card that she had worked so hard to conceive had died so tragically, which made her feel disheartened about all her hard work!

(End of this chapter)

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