you are the love of my life

Chapter 512 Lost to you

Chapter 512 Lost to you
Get it over with early.

How does she want to end it?

Rong Jinbei looked at her, the slight smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and his thin lips curled up in a sarcastic arc, "Qin Yise, it seems that you have been very thoughtful these few days."

"It's so-so, if you don't do it for yourself, you will be destroyed by heaven and earth!"

She was thinking almost every day, whether to let herself stay by his side in a daze, to be an obedient pet, or to fight hard and escape to another world.

He would marry someone else after all.

And if his own child is to be taken away by him, it is better to cut it off as soon as possible.

"Heh." Rong Jinbei sneered, his eyes darkened, "You're thinking beautifully, if I don't agree, what can you do to me."

"Of course I can't do anything about you. Although I can't escape your control, you don't even want to get this child." Qin Yise laughed at herself.

"You're on your way."

"Yeah, my vision is so short-sighted. Apart from my own heart, only my own children are left, which can be controlled by myself. I don't love you, and I don't hate you, but don't force me to do this in order to leave you. .” Qin Yise said.

She was betting that Rong Jinbei would agree to not steal the child, she only wanted this promise.

A possessive man like him, who gets you, will he care about your heart?

There was a brief silence in the air, only the silent staring of eyes remained.

Qin Yise held her breath and waited slowly, the time passed by, the longer it dragged on, the less confidence she had.

Are these three requirements too much?
He is difficult to do?
"Qin Yise, you win, I promise you."

It seemed as long as a century had passed, and a deep voice suddenly came from her ear, with the taste of a sigh.

Qin Yise's face was full of disbelief, she stared at him with wide eyes in astonishment, she almost fell into his arms.

Rong Jinbei looked down at her from above, his eyes were pitch black and bottomless.

His thin lips parted slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "I'm completely defeated by you, who told me to care so much about the piece of meat in your stomach."

She's just pregnant.

Don't let him be fierce or scold him, and everything must go according to her wishes.

How many times has his life been ups and downs, how could he not want this child?
There is no room for any mistakes.

What's more, it's their crystallization!
Qin Yise's heart trembled, Gu Xiyuan also had his child, but he never cared much about it.

She stared blankly at his face, should she be thankful?Touched by the baby's light!
The corner of Qin Yise's mouth suddenly curled into an intoxicating smile, "Rong Jinbei, you are so kind."

Her bright smile, like a rainbow after the rain, shocked the man as well.

"Are you so happy with such a little satisfaction?" Rong Jinbei asked, "I really don't know if you are greedy or naive."

"I just want to give my child a home."

Qin Yise almost blurted out the answer.

"It's not easy if you want a home? Marry me, or you will have it."

Every time the topic comes here, it stops abruptly.

Qin Yise never thought about what kind of life it would be like to marry him.

But I have always fantasized about how free the life after escaping from him should be.

The next day, the rain stopped.

Qin Yise came out from the room on the first floor, and Rong Jinbei lived in her original bedroom on the second floor.

They slept in separate beds last night, and Qin Yise actually suffered from insomnia.

She told herself over and over again that it was definitely not because of this man that she suffered from insomnia, but because she slept too much during the day, which was why her day and night turned upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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