you are the love of my life

Chapter 513 Reconciliation

Chapter 513 Reconciliation
"Good morning, miss."

The maid greeted her politely in the living room.

The haze in Qin Yise's heart was swept away, and the smile on her face became extraordinarily bright.

"What's for breakfast?"

Qin Yise asked.

"Chinese breakfast."

The servant replied thoughtfully.

At this moment, on the second floor.

The sunlight reflected the dew, sprinkled into the bedroom curtains, and slanted onto the bed from the gap.

Rong Jinbei was lying on Nuo Da's bed, squinting his eyes, resting one hand lazily on his forehead, while the other hand was used to touching the side.


He opened his eyes reflexively, sat up and subconsciously frowned and looked around.

The quilt on his body fell to his waist, and he remembered that he had already slept with that woman in a separate room yesterday.

He plucked his hair irritably, cursed in a low voice, got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face.

Such a life of pure heart and asceticism, to endure until she gave birth to a child, really wants to torture him to death!
Rong Jinbei changed his clothes and walked downstairs with a dark face.

In the dining room, Qin Yise was eating breakfast, stroking her belly with both hands contentedly, talking to herself as if she was doing prenatal education.

Rong Jinbei sat down beside her, his eyes full of desire and dissatisfaction.

Seeing him, Qin Yise turned her head, with a faint smile on her face, "Get up."


Rong Jinbei responded lightly, feeling a little angry about getting up.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

Qin Yise asked something insignificant.

How can I sleep well without you?
Rong Jinbei replied to her in his heart, but turned the topic away lightly, "Are you concerned about the child's father? If you really want to know, why don't you come and see tonight?"

"Forget that I didn't ask."

Qin Yise ate the millet porridge in the bowl speechlessly. This man really doesn't know how to be modest. When she asked casually, he actually took it seriously.

"Do you want your father to come out?" Rong Jinbei put a piece of steamed dumpling in his mouth, it was a bit greasy, and he frowned.

He picked up the milk and sipped it casually, diluting the taste in his mouth.

Qin Yise took a complicated look at him, shook her head and replied, "I don't want to, this is what he deserves. He and Xu Kexin used me to live such a good life. It's time to get retribution."

She paused, and her tone was a bit resentful: "I think so, is it very selfish and vicious? He has no family affection for me, but after all, he has the kindness of nurturing, but when I think of my mother's death, I am really not reconciled."

"How did your mother die?"

Rong Jinbei seldom asked, but since he started this, he took it as a heart-to-heart talk and got to know her family environment well.

"I was so pissed off by my father's current wife. Her bones were not cold yet, and these two people were in a hurry to get married, so I hate the man who started in chaos and abandoned him. Although my mother is also a third party, she is Qin Zhentian's second wife. But she never lived a single day of happiness."

"Okay, it's all over."

Rong Jinbei held her face in his hands, staring at her deeply with his black eyes.

"Now you just need to wait for the birth with peace of mind, and you don't have to think about anything else."

What he said was very strange, and there was also some suspicion of evasion.

But Qin Yise didn't care about the past between him and Gu Xiyuan, "You really pamper me too much, aren't you afraid of spoiling me?"

"My pleasure."

The man replied domineeringly.

I love it, I am willing, I used to think that this is a line that only appears in idol dramas, but I didn't expect to say it calmly from the mouth of the CEO at this moment, and there is no sense of disobedience.

(End of this chapter)

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