Chapter 514
Qin Yise pursed her lips and smiled faintly, "Then don't torture me anymore, I have nothing left, you should better help me protect this child instead of threatening me with her."

Hearing this, Rong Jinbei's face turned cold, and a chill flashed across his eyes.

"As long as you don't want to run away and take my child to another man, I'm naturally toward you."

Anyway, all she can rely on now is him.

The old man came forward, and the three-day old man forced her, which was really counterproductive, and he did himself a big favor.

Originally, Rong Jinbei thought that this woman would only be enlightened if she had to put in a lot of painstaking efforts.

I didn't expect that I would run into my arms so quickly by mistake.

He can ignore all the previous things.

"Then you won't give my child to Gu Xiyuan as compensation?" Qin Yise asked cautiously.

When Rong Zhanting said this, he must do what he said. She was worried that their father and son would join forces, and she would have no room to resist.

"You don't even believe what I say?"

How could he be so despicable and give her child to Gu Xiyuan.

"Then you swear, there is no guarantee that one day I will make you angry, and it is not impossible for you to punish me in this way."

"Why, are you afraid that I will take away the child and turn around and marry another woman?" Rong Jinbei stared at her with a half-smile, some light flickered in his black eyes, and he pinched her face: "As long as you don't mean to Angry me, I will not do such a terrible thing."

Qin Yise bit her lip and asked, "What if I accidentally get angry?"

"It depends on the situation. If you can bear it, you can bear it. If you can't bear it, you can return it a thousand times, so that you can taste the feeling of being tortured."

Rong Jinbei replied.

"Sure enough, don't expect too much."

Qin Yise lowered her eyes in disappointment, and said something to herself.

"Looking at you, you seem to be very disappointed. Why, you plan to annoy me and go away?"

Rong Jinbei stared at her and asked viciously.

"How dare you." Qin Yise smiled guiltily, avoiding his eyes, not daring to look into his eyes.

She is just delaying the attack now, waiting until she finds an opportunity in the future, and then finds a way to raise the child independently.

But according to the current situation, it is almost impossible.

She couldn't escape from his Wuzhi Mountain, and Rong Jinbei also knew that she wanted to escape all the time, so she was just waiting for an opportunity to flatter her and give in.

"After eating, let's go for a walk."

Rong Jinbei stood up, held her hand, and walked towards the entrance.

"Ah, where are you going—" Qin Yise asked in amazement.

"Prenatal education." Rong Jinbei replied casually.

"I think it's better to forget it, I'm afraid you will teach bad children!"

Qin Yise blurted out something.

The man stared at her seriously, with a displeased face: "What do you mean, you think I can't be a qualified father?"

How dare she despise him so blatantly!

Qin Yise stood where she was, with a bit of embarrassment on her face, "I didn't mean that. There are many things to do while walking, and prenatal education is not necessary."

"After all, you still think I can't do it well, woman, don't forget, I created this child. Without me, can you conceive him? I know a lot of things, and IQ is the same as yours in this life. If you can’t even make it, you dare to despise me for not doing good prenatal education!”

Rong Jinbei stared at her coldly with black eyes, and his tone was extremely cold.

(End of this chapter)

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