Chapter 521
"Stinky boy, you think your wings are stiff, isn't it amazing?" Mr. Rong roared angrily.

Rong Jinbei flicked the wrinkles on his suit, and smiled, "I bring you such a generous bonus every year, can't it be okay to let them say a few nice words? Oh, dad, you have to admit defeat when you get old , if you are not qualified for the position of chairman, you should abdicate and make way, don't be squeezed out, and lose face to the Pacific Ocean, that is not an honorable thing!"

Rong Jinbei spoke lightly, his tone was leisurely and complacent, but Rong Zhanting's face turned blue and pale.

He snorted coldly, "You did a good job yourself, and you still want to beat me up instead?"

Really overwhelmed.

Mr. Rong frowned, and his sharp eyes swept back and forth on Rong Jinbei's face, "Don't you know how much the company's stock has shrunk in the past few days?"

"This loss is just a drop in the bucket compared to what you have earned for nothing in the past few years. Do you think you have lost a lot? If you can't bear it, you can bring it up!"

The major shareholders suddenly lost their voices collectively.

No one is willing to give up their shareholder status, but watching the money in their pockets evaporate out of thin air is more distressing than cutting flesh!

So they secretly sell high and buy low, just to reduce losses, but they didn't expect Rong Jinbei to use this to threaten them to withdraw from the position of major shareholder.

Rong Zhanting slammed the solid wood conference table with his crutches, and said lightly, "You are fooling around. Everyone here has dedicated their lives to the company. You are so ungrateful and justified the loss? There is a saying There is an old saying that when you drink water, you don’t forget the person who dug the well, I think you are sitting in this seat very comfortably!"

Facing Rong Zhanting's accusation, Rong Jinbei sat there with a calm face without any emotional ups and downs.

"Since there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and Dad is reluctant to abdicate to the virtuous, then I can abandon my ego and help everyone. Whoever wants to take this position, I welcome you to take it at any time."

After finishing speaking, he stood up without hesitating at all, and made a gesture to leave.

"Bastard, sit down for me!"

As if afraid that he would really leave, Rong Zhanting had no choice but to lower his face and take a step back to settle the matter.

Even the chairman was devastated, and no one dared to say a word.

After the meeting ended, Mr. Rong stopped his son, "Jin Bei, if you don't give the Gu family an explanation about Xiyuan's matter, it will be unreasonable both emotionally and rationally!"

"Dad wants to show his hot face to others, so he should do it himself, and don't get involved with me. From the beginning to the end, I have nothing to do with that woman."

"It's okay, can you still make people's stomachs bigger?"

His attitude completely angered Rong Zhanting, and the meeting just now openly challenged his authority.

Rong Jinbei replied indifferently: "That child is the seed she stole, so she should not be able to keep it. The person I want to marry will only be Qin Yise. Regardless of whether Dad agrees or not, she is the only one for my child." mother."

Rong Zhanting clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his forehead twitched violently. It was this unsightly woman again, who blocked his good deeds everywhere.

It seems that Qin Yise cannot stay.

Putting it next to your son will be a disaster sooner or later.
The old man Rong narrowed his eyes slightly, and laughed mockingly: "Hehe, the daughter of a famous brand has a miscarriage, but you help a low-profile woman to take the position. I see how you will explain to the outside world."

(End of this chapter)

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