you are the love of my life

Chapter 522 Want money or death?

Chapter 522 Want money or death?

"Dad, you should worry more about yourself. I don't need to explain to anyone! But you don't wait to embrace your grandson to enjoy the blessings, and you do these wicked things every day, and you are not afraid of ruining your own luck? If there is nothing else, I will Let's get busy first, the chairman's chair is not as relaxing as the chairman's—"

Rong Zhanting opened his lips, wanting to say something, but Rong Jinbei didn't even look at him, he had already raised his foot, and strode out of the conference room.

After entering the CEO's office, he rolled up his fingers one by one, and his dark eyes were full of sharp light.

After Qin Ziqing and Xiao Feifei kidnapped Gu Xiyuan, they were immediately wanted by the police.

Coupled with the pressure from both Rong Jinbei and the Gu family, the two of them suddenly became serious criminals, living in panic all day long, living in hiding, fearing that they would be arrested and sent to jail.

Qin Ziqing came to Xu Kexin's apartment sneakily wearing a peaked cap, scarf and sunglasses.

She was penniless and had nowhere to go, so she could only come to this woman.

Pushing open the door and going in, I saw Xu Kexin was rummaging through boxes and cabinets looking for something.

She asked strangely, "Little Mom, what are you looking for?"

Xu Kexin didn't expect Butler Mo to go out and didn't lock the door. Qin Ziqing was suddenly startled, and he was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, and the things in his hands fell everywhere.

"The police are looking for you everywhere, why did you come to my place?" Xu Kexin said in surprise.

"Without money, I can't move a single step. Mom, you can't just leave me alone. If you get caught, the rest of my life will be over!" Qin Ziqing hugged her shamelessly.

Since Xu Kexin moved out from Qin's family and embezzled a large sum of money, she is almost empty. Where can I get the extra money to help this dead girl.

"Qingqing, it's not that my mother doesn't want to help you, but there's really nothing I can do to help you, and I'm also tight in my pocket!" Xu Kexin spread her hands, saying euphemistically that she has no money.

Qin Ziqing knew that she had taken a lot of treasures from the Qin family, so how could she have no money?

As long as she is undefeated, at least this life is enough for her to live comfortably!
Seeing that Xu Kexin didn't miss her old love, Miss Qin's eyes turned red, she gritted her teeth and pulled off her sunglasses, pointing at her and asked, "I want 100 million, will you give it or not!"

"Whether you want money or not, you want your life. You have the ability to kill me."

Xu Kexin's attitude is very firm, and he will not give half a dime.

Qin Ziqing nodded, and smiled horribly: "I dare to do kidnapping, how difficult is it to kill if you don't want to kill me?"

She had a ferocious expression, and approached Xu Kexin step by step. Seeing her like this, Xu Kexin became a little scared, and softened her attitude very spinelessly and said, "Speak up if you have something to say."

"Little Mom, don't play tricks with me, I'm not Qin Yise, I'm not so easy to fool!"

Qin Ziqing pushed her hard, picked up a fruit knife from the tea table, and gesticulated on her cheek a few times.

"One million cash, not a penny less."

"I don't have that much cash, so I can only scrape together some jewelry for you."

"No, right? Then I'll kill you. Anyway, these jewels are also hard earned by my father. Why should you take advantage of you, a woman?"

Qin Ziqing was already jumping over the wall in a hurry, she would do her best to anyone who wouldn't make her feel better, and even if they both died together, she would have to hold her back.

Xu Kexin looked at the shining tip of the knife, her lips trembled in fright, she wanted both money and life!

Instinctively, with all her strength, she pushed Qin Ziqing away, gritted her teeth unwillingly and said, "I'll go get the money, I'll go right away."

(End of this chapter)

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