you are the love of my life

Chapter 523 Coveted Property

Chapter 523 Coveted Property
Qin Ziqing stared at her, as if doubting the authenticity of her words.

Xu Kexin looked back three times at a step, walked behind a portrait, and took out a small safe from the hidden compartment of the tile.

As soon as the password was entered, Qin Ziqing couldn't wait to follow, "Little Mom, don't play tricks, just give me all the passbooks and cards!"

"Don't you just want cash?" Xu Kexin asked with wide eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense. These are the assets of the Qin family. You have occupied them for so long, so you are ashamed to bargain with me!"

Qin Ziqing is now determined to die.

Shameless, afraid of life!
Xu Kexin didn't dare to confront her head-on, so she had to show her the card and passbook, and gave her the password.

"I only have so much, is it enough for you to last for a while?"

Seeing that Qin Ziqing still had no intention of leaving, she frowned and urged.

Qin Ziqing looked her up and down, kicked away the debris in front of him, and then found another jewelry box from the bottom of the safe.

When Xu Kexin saw it, his face immediately changed, and he stretched out his hand in a panic to snatch it, "I can't give you this..."

"Everything you bring out from the Qin family must be mine!"

It's full of new jewelry, and it can be exchanged for several million at will. It can be seen that this woman is using the Qin family's money to buy herself extravagant jewelry, each of which is expensive.

Xu Kexin frantically went up and tore at it, trying to snatch the jewelry back.

But Qin Ziqing was at the end of his rope. These treasures belonged to the Qin family, so why should she take advantage of this woman for nothing?
Her father's money is equal to her money!
She threw her hand away viciously, and said: "Little Mom, how many treasures have you hidden away, hand them all over to me, otherwise I will drag you into my back if I die!"

"No, that's all. This is the jewelry your father bought for me when I got married. You can't take it away..." Xu Kexin desperately wanted to snatch the jewelry back from her hand.

Seeing how nervous she was, Qin Ziqing refused to return it. He looked determined to win, and warned, "Stop it, and try one step further? The property and jewelry of the Qin family are all I was divided up by you and that bitch Qin Yise, but I got nothing. Obviously I am the eldest daughter of the Qin family, but you vampires have drained the Qin family dry. This wealth originally belonged to I, from now on, I want to take back everything!"

"The Qin family has collapsed a long time ago. If you want to fight for it, go find Qin Yise. She is your sister. If you weren't so stupid as to kidnap that Miss Gu and frame someone else as the blame, the matter would have gotten to the point where it is today." Is it? Now that the police are looking for you everywhere, you still dare to come to me, you want to kill me, don’t you?”

Xu Kexin roared angrily.

Feeling depressed, Qin Ziqing pushed her away suddenly, raised his voice, and shouted back: "If it weren't for you third parties who destroyed my family, would I have been murdered like this? I was thrown abroad since I was a child, and no one cares about it." , and you can’t go back home, even the family property has been taken over by you!”

These should all belong to her, why should she hand them over to others?

"Then you go to Qin Yise to make a theory. Her mother did the third one first. Now she is a big money list. If she is willing to give you alms, you can still get some benefits. Otherwise, if you don't have the ability, don't do it again." Go and provoke her, after all, she has Rong Jin Bei as her backer, that man is not an ordinary person like us, he can afford to provoke her!"

(End of this chapter)

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