Chapter 540

Thinking that she was too high-profile during this period, and she got carried away and forgot about the basket she poked before, she couldn't help but get scared, and shrank into a ball, not daring to breathe.

"time to eat!"

The man with a hideous scar on his face threw the fast food on the ground, looked at Qin Ziqing in disgust and said.

She took a look at the greasy food, couldn't eat it at all, knelt on the ground and pleaded, "Please, let me go, I can do anything for you."

Through the monitoring screen, Yi Hao looked at the dog-like woman on the ground, who was in such a mess, and laughed cruelly.

To deal with a disobedient chess piece, she had to be well trained to let her straighten out her status.

He wants to see how the dead can compete with the living!

"Miss, didn't you say that your grandfather is rich?" the scarred man said with a sneer.

Qin Ziqing nodded disheartened, "Well, he is a famous arms dealer, if you don't believe me, search for the latest news."

"I know, so you tell him to quickly prepare money to redeem you, otherwise, he will have to collect the corpse!"

Qin Ziqing's teeth were trembling with fright, and before she could react, he slapped her hard on the cheek.

"Bitch, you can't be a fake, right?" the man with the scar yelled viciously.

"No, I'm real." She hastily denied, "Give me your phone, I'll call now."

"If you dare to play tricks, you will die!" The man with the scar threw a black mobile phone to her.

Of course, Qin Ziqing didn't dare to really harass Mr. Yi, the only person she could ask for help now was Yi Hao!
Fortunately, I memorized his mobile phone number. After getting through, the other end answered the call not long after.

Yi Hao looked at the woman on the monitor screen with a deep chill in his eyes, "Qingqing, are you satisfied with the clothes?"

"Uncle, save me, I've been kidnapped!"

"Oh? Who is so bold as to touch people from my Yi family?" The man responded casually, as if he didn't believe her words.

Qin Ziqing organized his words anxiously, before he could speak, the man with the scar snatched the phone, raised his foot and kicked her hard on her chest a few times: "Stinky bastard, go to hell, you dare to sue! "

"No, that's not what I meant, brother, you have to believe that I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to tell him to raise money to redeem me..." Qin Ziqing threw himself on his back in embarrassment, and couldn't wait to explain.

But the man with the scar didn't listen at all, and he didn't give her any chance to change things. She just wanted to bite off her stupid tongue.

The man with the scar took out a black pistol and pointed it at her forehead, and said with a cold smile, "Do you think I still believe you?"

"My younger sister is the girlfriend of the CEO of the Rong Group. She is pregnant with Rong Jinbei's child, which is priceless. As long as you send her a word, she will definitely be hooked. Then, won't you make more money?"

Qin Ziqing said without hesitation, she was also driven into a hurry, her whole body was shaking non-stop, and she was about to pee her pants.

The scarred man's eyes were cold and full of murderous intent. He glanced at the camera without a trace, as if he could see the man behind the screen through the surveillance, obviously asking for his opinion.

Ask him what to do next!
Yi Hao stared at the screen with a stern expression, turned his head slowly, and immediately gave the subordinate next to him a wink.

The subordinate understood, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the scarred man's mobile phone.

"Do as she says, lure Qin Yise over and tie her up together."

(End of this chapter)

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