you are the love of my life

Chapter 541 Come to see Mr. President once

Chapter 541

He would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let go of any unfavorable factors. This is the purpose of Yi Hao's actions!
Qin Ziqing reported Qin Yise's mobile phone number tremblingly, and finally hugged his head desperately, wailing to himself: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, that woman is more valuable, you tied her up, This is the real fortune!"

Qin Yise practiced yoga at home as usual.

Her fetal position is somewhat abnormal, so she insists on exercising every day.

"Miss, your phone." The servant handed her the phone.

Because she was afraid of radiation, Rong Jinbei forbade her to touch all electronic products, and she was not even allowed to watch TV for more than two hours.

Qin Yise frowned suspiciously, took the phone, and asked cautiously, "Hello, who is it?"

Hearing the gentle female voice, the scarred man clenched his phone tightly and said in a cold tone, "You are Miss Qin's younger sister? I want to ask you something about Yi Yao! Would you like to meet?"

"I don't know her well." Qin Yise replied flatly, ready to hang up the phone.

The man on the phone stopped her again, and said in a dark voice, "Your sister is the granddaughter of the well-known military leader, Mr. Yi. Don't you want the old man to love the house and get involved in this relationship?"

Qin Yise was stunned for a moment, then blurted out, "Her mother is just a rural woman, and her grandfather has been dead for many years, so how could she be from the Yi family?"

Doesn't she know about Qin Ziqing's background?

The children born to Qin Zhentian and his eldest wife have been placed in foster care abroad. Where did they come from a wealthy background?

If it's not useless, otherwise, how could it end up being abandoned?

Yi Hao monitored all their conversations. Hearing this, he clenched his hands into fists, and his bones even creaked.

Qin Yise's tone was very flat, without any ups and downs from beginning to end: "This gentleman, even if she is the granddaughter of the richest man, it has nothing to do with me. She is her and I am me, except for the same blood and the same surname. , we have nothing to do with it!"

"Second Miss is really a straightforward person. If you take the line of the Yi family and marry into the Rong family, you will become a young mistress just around the corner. Do you want your child to be Rong Jinbei's illegitimate child who will never see the light for the rest of his life? Or wait until In the future, he only wants the child and not the mother of the child, would you like it?"

When Qin Yise heard the last sentence, something stung her heart.

She pursed her lips tightly, and the man with the scar continued to follow Yi Hao's instructions: "As long as you come to see our young boss in person, we will let your sister go."

Qin Yise finally understood the real reason why the other party made this call, they wanted to lure her into the bait.

"It turned out to be a robber. I have never seen a criminal gang like you who commit crimes so blatantly!"

"It's very simple. I want money. By the way, I will help you two to find out the truth of a matter. It depends on whether you are willing to cooperate." The man with the scar licked his lips and said.

Qin Yise's crystal clear eyes flickered. Qin Ziqing's kidnapping was her own fault and had nothing to do with her.

She also doesn't have so much heart to save this relative who doesn't have any emotional foundation.

If it wasn't for her so-called good sister who thought she was kidnapping Gu Xiyuan and caused the child to miscarry, how could there be a causal cycle today?
So people are doing it, and the sky is watching, and these evil consequences are all caused by her!
(End of this chapter)

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