you are the love of my life

Chapter 542 Knowing It's a Trap, Still Jumping?

Chapter 542 Knowing It's a Trap, Still Jumping?

"Sorry, I don't have that spare time. If you guys want to tear up the ticket, I will collect her body for the sake of my sister. After all, she has treated me like this before, and she wants to kill me with a knife. Get rid of me!"

Qin Yise spoke unhurriedly, as if discussing something unimportant, "Is my sister here? Please tell me, I'm not a Tathagata, and I can't save sentient beings! Let her do it for herself."

"If you don't want to come, then I have no choice but to tell Qin Zhentian the news. Do you think he will regret it?" The scarred man said with a sinister smile.

Qin Yise's eyes widened, and she snorted twice, "Do you think threats will work for me?"

"It doesn't work, but I know that if Qin Zhentian learns the news, he will definitely not ignore it, but he is in prison and cannot save his daughter's life."

"Stop talking, I promise you, where is the location?"

"The first floor of the factory building D, Star City, North Ring."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yise went back to her room and changed her clothes.

Anyway, Rong Jinbei knew her whereabouts like the palm of his hand.

Under this man's nose, there is no need to worry about the kidnapper's tricks!
As soon as she went out, the housekeeper quickly greeted her respectfully and asked, "Miss, where are you going?"

"Please tell him that I have something to do. I'm going out and I won't be back for dinner." Qin Yise replied flatly.

The housekeeper frowned, "Wait a minute, I'd better ask Rong Shao, and the lady will make a decision, otherwise, I don't feel at ease if you go out alone, you must let the bodyguard and the driver follow you inseparably!"

After he reported to President Rongda and got approval, Qin Yise left home with a driver and drove to the agreed place.

Holding the phone, Qin Yise turned on the GPS location, resisting to click on the inbox.

Looking at the unread messages on the screen, she didn't have the courage to click on it.
Half an hour later, the car stopped outside an abandoned factory building in the suburbs.

Qin Yise got out of the car with her pregnant belly, but the driver stood still and sat in the car watching the strange things around her.

She walked in alone, and the enemy relaxed his vigilance more easily, whistled, and said with satisfaction: "Second Miss is indeed bold enough, she is indeed a woman taught by Rong Shao!"

"Stop talking nonsense, what is your purpose, hurry up and tell me." Qin Yise was very calm, looking directly at the man with the scar on the opposite side, without any sign of timidity.

"Is Yi Yao your stepmother?" The scarred man glanced at the pinhole camera and asked meaningfully.

"Did Qin Ziqing tell you that?" Qin Yise laughed lightly, instead of answering the question.

The man with the scar pursed his lips and didn't speak, with a look of impatience on his face, Qin Yise had already made up his mind.

Her mother turned out to be a descendant of the arms leader Yi's family, but now for some reason, Qin Ziqing took over her own identity and sneaked in to recognize Mr. Yi as his grandfather.

She and his mother are only seven points similar, let alone Qin Ziqing, who has completely inherited Qin Zhentian's genes, how could the Yi family not doubt it?

"No matter which one of you is the real daughter of the Yi family, you are all backed by rich and powerful people. You deserve to be the most valuable sister in C city. As long as you kidnap you, the deal will be sure to make a profit. Second miss, I'm sorry , I had no choice but to offend you and trick you here, you knew it was a trap, but you jumped in without hesitation, and you can't blame anyone else."

The man with the scar took out his pistol, aimed at Qin Yise, and said word by word.

(End of this chapter)

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