chapter 558

Qin Yise didn't want to think about it deeply, because she thought people's hearts were too unpredictable, but the reality forced her to be cautious.

Especially Yi Hao, an old fox, has already mastered his acting skills, how could he not see that she is probing?
He was vague in a few words and did not explain much. Before he left, he stared at Qin Yise with special meaning in his eyes. The meaning in those eyes was too complicated. It was a man showing strong interest and possessiveness when he looked at a woman.

If President Rong Da knew that someone coveted his woman, how would he feel?
"Uncle has something to do, so let's go first. If there is anything wrong, call me right away." Yi Hao said.

"it is good."

Qin Yise supported her waist, stood up, watched the man walk out of the study, and the smile on her face gradually collapsed.

Yi Hao felt that he must be crazy, or perverted, he actually reacted to a woman who was a round younger than him!

In particular, he also felt that Qin Yise was pregnant, and she was extremely sexy, more charming than those women outside.

The place that should be big is big, even if the belly is pregnant, you won't feel thick waist or bloated lines at all.

Instead, his mind was full of thoughts about throwing her down...

Fortunately, he didn't make it too obvious, otherwise the little beauty would be scared away, and the loss outweighed the gain.

They have a long way to go...

Mr. Yi was in a coma all day long. It was hard to imagine that a person who was so energetic before would be so close to death.

Mostly, Qin Yise would sit by his bed, look at the family portrait, and say a few words to him: "Grandpa, I am a little more like my mother, and my mother is a little more like you. Since we are the same people, we should both be strong and unyielding." Spirit."

"You must get better soon, my baby is about to be born, and I'm still waiting for you to name it!"

"Grandpa, I'll listen to you. Find a husband according to your standards. If you can't pass it, I won't. You must help me check it!"

"Yaoyao, are you back?" Old Master Yi suddenly opened his eyes and asked with tears in his eyes.

"Grandpa, I'm Yise..."

Qin Yise was stunned, knowing that he regarded herself as his mother.

If there is no parent in the world who does not love their children, at the end of life, this precious feeling can be seen the most...

Mr. Yi didn't know if he heard it clearly, but he nodded with tears in his eyes, "I won't be here in the future, you must remember to take good care of yourself."

Qin Yise looked at him choked with sobs. She didn't know that there were always two eyes behind her, secretly watching her every move.

They even recorded it as a video, saved it, and handed it over to Yi Hao in its entirety.

That night, there were thunder and lightning outside, and the strong wind was raging, as if it wanted to destroy everything.

Qin Yise suddenly woke up from her dream. She wiped the cold sweat off her forehead, and there was a panicked sound outside. She didn't even bother to put on her shoes, and opened the door directly to go out. The servant told her that something happened to Mr. Yi.

He was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. Outside the operating room, Yi Hao was completely soaked, standing there motionless like a sculpture.

Qin Yise staggered over, grabbed his collar and asked, "What did you do to grandpa?"

The man stood there silently, his eyes lowered, unable to see the expression on his face clearly.

"Miss, the master is still in the rescue." The servant replied on his own initiative.

The two of them were silent and stood outside waiting for a long time before the door of the emergency room was finally opened.

The doctor pulled off the mask, shook his head and sighed, and said regretfully: "I'm sorry, I came a step late. Myocardial infarction. The patient is old and can't survive the rescue. He knows that the patient has heart disease, so why didn't he take the medicine on time?"

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(End of this chapter)

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