you are the love of my life

Chapter 559 She's Just an Adopted Pet

Chapter 559 She's Just an Adopted Pet
"Impossible, grandpa's body has always been well maintained!"

Qin Yise shook her head in disbelief, she hadn't known him for just two months, how could it be possible that heaven and man were separated forever?
Could it be that she was doomed to live alone, and none of her relatives had a good end?

The doctor just sighed and shook his head, "Go and have a look, the patient still has his last breath, and his consciousness is not clear, so please accompany him through the last journey, and let the condolences change!"

"Doctor, since there is still a last ray of hope, please think of a way and don't give up the treatment, okay. He is in good health on weekdays, so it is impossible for him to leave so easily..."

"Miss, you have time to deal with me here, why not hurry up and accompany the most important person in your life for the last journey." The doctor pushed her hand away, turned and left mercilessly.

How many such patients do they see outside the operating room every day!

It's okay if the operation is successful, but if it fails, most of them cannot accept the reality.

With a big belly, Qin Yise wanted to chase after the doctor. This kind of life and death without warning made her unacceptable.

Yi Hao stood at the back with a painful expression on his face. Seeing her mood swings, he stepped forward and hugged her shoulders, "Yi Se, you are still pregnant, don't get too excited, go and see your adoptive father, let him Be quiet and leave without regrets."

"Let me go! Grandpa has high blood pressure and angina pectoris, but he takes his medicine on time every day. He was fine a while ago. He said he wanted to hug his great-grandson. How could this happen suddenly?"

Qin Yise beat the man's chest hard, hot tears rolled down her face.

No matter how she vented, Yi Hao didn't let go, but hugged her shoulders tightly, like comforting, like hugging.

He put his chin against the top of Qin Yise's head, smelled the fragrance of her hair, closed his eyes, and took a few deep breaths, the feeling of restlessness in his body became even stronger!
If it wasn't for the wrong time, place and occasion, he would definitely have taken the woman in his arms as his own, and would not let go even if the world ended.

But, now is not the time!
He has a lot to attend to...

But the fragrance of Qin Yise's body really makes him feel refreshed, especially if there is nothing in it, there is a breath of water and milk, which is provoking his eager desire.

Qin Yise was heartbroken, but she didn't let go of her precautions, especially for this man who was an adopted son, she couldn't trust [-]%!
If he hadn't premeditatedly transferred his grandfather to a foreign country for treatment, but he died within a short period of time, I really doubt that all of this was planned by him in advance...

Going abroad, free from worries and no longer subject to any constraints, these are what she longs for.

But until this moment, all wishes came true easily, but she was not as happy as expected.

Qin Yise watched helplessly the old man in the intensive care unit, breathing weakly, relying on the oxygen machine to maintain his last short life.

He couldn't even speak, and he couldn't open his eyes, he could only open his mouth, opening and closing slightly.

Yi Hao called all the members of the Yi family over, but there were very few people present to see the old man off!
The family relationship in a wealthy family is really cold, for the sake of money and interests, they can be so indifferent.

The appearance of Qin Yise did not attract many people's attention, because in their eyes, this kind of granddaughter of unknown origin was no different from stray cats and dogs on the street.

It's just that she was lucky enough to be adopted by the old man, and she could share some property with her after death!

(End of this chapter)

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