you are the love of my life

Chapter 560 Can't Wait

Chapter 560 Can't Wait
The foundation of the Yi family is in Europe and the United States. Compared with foreign industries, the little assets in the mainland are just a drop in the bucket, so their Yi family doesn't bother to compete with a little girl.

In their eyes, Yi Hao is an adopted son, but he is more like a dog, a loyal manager who manages the company and financial assets for the old man!
Foreign laws are sound, and the inheritance of inheritance is very strict, and huge taxes and fees have to be paid.

As an adopted son, Yi Hao is just an outsider, even if he fantasizes about seizing property, it is impossible for him to be full of loopholes like the domestic ones.

Qin Yise was not in the mood to pay attention to the open and secret fights between them, but the sudden extra relatives passed away without warning, and before they had time to cherish them, they left behind irreparable regrets, which made her feel blocked to death!
Destiny really loves to joke, favoring you one second, and sternly waking you up the next!

After dealing with all funeral affairs from the hospital, it was already late when we returned to the villa.

Nuo Da's house seemed even more empty, Qin Yise lowered her head and walked forward silently.

"Yi Se, from now on, we will be left to depend on each other." Yi Hao said half-jokingly as he followed her.

Qin Yise glanced at him, and said calmly, "When grandpa's affairs are settled, I will move out, give birth, and then find a school to continue my studies."

It was inconvenient for her to live here, and without the relationship with Mr. Yi, she felt that she didn't belong here.

But if it comes, it will be safe.

She decided to continue pursuing her ideals and goals, so she got out early to save future troubles!
The servants sent Mr. Yi to the hospital for his last journey, and they all got severance pay and were fired, leaving only the security guards.

So at this time there was no servant in the villa at all, Qin Yise walked into the room wearily, and locked the door behind her.

It's not that she is suspicious, but that she thinks Yi Hao looks at her in a strange way!

It's a little creepy, I search carefully, but I can't find any trace, like that kind of pervert who has a crime in his heart...

After taking a shower, Qin Yise walked out of the bathroom with only a towel around her.

While wiping her hair, she was applying skin care products to prevent stretch marks on her belly, when suddenly there was a sound of unlocking the door, Qin Yise stood up vigilantly, put on her nightgown, took a vase and put it in her hand Up, as a defensive weapon.

The man opened the door and came in, looked at her, and smiled dumbly, "So you're taking a bath, you're just like guarding me against a wolf, aren't you tired?"

Qin Yise pursed her lips and remained silent, but the vigilance in her eyes did not slacken in the slightest. She was alone in the same room, and she would not be so foolish as to believe that he was Mr. Miyoshi, and he had no evil motives!

Her hair was wet and scattered on her shoulders. Yi Hao looked at the woman in front of him ambiguously, approached slowly, stretched out his hands to straighten her hair, and said in a gentle voice that dripped water: "Don't be sad, with uncle here, uncle will Protect you and not let you suffer, after all, this is also the last wish of my adoptive father. Before he died, he told me to love and protect you like an elder!"

Qin Yise brushed away his touch, and frowned in disgust: "Please go out first, I'm tired and want to rest!"

But unexpectedly, not only did the man not leave, but he was getting closer and closer to her, whispering warm air in her ear: "Go to sleep, uncle is here with you, don't be afraid, foster father has a spirit in heaven, and I'll give you a hug." I will definitely take good care of you according to his old man's wishes, because this is my responsibility."

(End of this chapter)

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