you are the love of my life

Chapter 561 Exposing the true nature

Chapter 561 Exposing the true nature

Qin Yise pushed hard twice, but she didn't push it away. Fear spread from the bottom of her heart.

She tried to pretend to be calm, but the fear in her eyes gave away her disguise.

"Uncle...Uncle, I'm an adult, I can take care of myself, I really don't need to bother you, since my grandfather is gone, I can go back to City C, where my family is..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the man, "Since you called me uncle, then don't look out, how can you fly back to China with such a big belly? I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you guys here Mother and son?"

"I didn't mean that, you are not young anymore, you should marry a wife and have children, live a normal life, and don't delay your major life events because of the Yi family!" Qin Yise's palms were covered with cold sweat, she said cautiously, Try to move with emotion and understand with reason.

Yi Hao suddenly grasped her soft and boneless little hand, "Why are you sweating so much, are you nervous? Or are you afraid that I will hurt you?"

There was a cold grin on the corner of his mouth.

Qin Yise was so frightened by the expression on his face that her face turned pale, the man's hot breath, and the danger were constantly approaching.

In addition to fear and fear, Qin Yise subconsciously wanted to get up and run away from this dangerous wolf, but in the end, the other party held her limbs tightly, like a mountain pressing down on her, unable to move at all!

The man's face was a bit ferocious, and Qin Yise waved her arms to push him away, but her slender wrists were easily held by the other party, and then pressed hard on the sides of her head.

"Yi Se, dear, it's too late for my uncle to love you, how could he do something that hurt you? Although you are good-looking and young, but my foster father is so kind to me, I won't do that kind of thing that hurts me. Things that everyone despises will not hurt you. Don't worry, as long as I am here in the future, I will guarantee that you will have endless glory, wealth, good food and clothing..."

"Take your dirty hands away and don't touch me. I don't care about your wealth. Does grandpa's departure have anything to do with you?" Qin Yise asked with resentment in her eyes.

"Girl, don't be so loud. It's not good to disturb the bodyguards downstairs. How could I harm my adoptive father?"

Yi Hao put on a gentlemanly appearance on his face, but his body was doing dirty and shameless things.

Regardless of whether the old man's departure has anything to do with him, he will never admit it!

His categorical denial made Qin Yise doubt the credibility of his words even more.

The man in front of him spoke high-sounding words, but faced her with such an annoying posture, Qin Yise was furious, but had no strength to resist.

Rong Jinbei also likes to keep her around like this, but at least she believes that Rong Jinbei will not really hurt her.

Even if there was a relationship, there would be occasional repulsion, but there was already a crystallization of each other, and she never thought of rebelling by ending her life!

At this moment, Qin Yise looked at the man in front of her. His facial features were so strange that she felt scared, and he had a big belly. It was uncomfortable to stay like this for a long time.

She struggled hysterically, and every time Yi Hao approached her, it was a torture to Qin Yise's body and mind, which made her feel sick and repelled.

On the contrary, Rong Jinbei would not give her such a feeling. After realizing her own thoughts, Qin Yise turned her head hastily, and the other's breath landed on her cheek.

 Ask for collection, ask for tickets~~
(End of this chapter)

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