you are the love of my life

Chapter 562 I Was Bullied

Chapter 562 I Was Bullied
She is thin and weak, plus she is bulky during pregnancy, so she is no match for this man.

"Bastard, let me go! Grandpa hasn't rested yet, and you are doing this kind of thing right under his nose, are you still human? Let me go quickly, or even if you die twice, I will fight you!" "

Qin Yise roared in despair.

Yi Hao sneered: "The adoptive father is already dead. Seeing how filial I am, it's too late to be happy, so how can you blame me?"

He touched Qin Yise's smooth face, swallowed his saliva, as if trying to hold back something, just when his lips were about to fall...

With a bang, the door of the room was pushed open.

A deep and magnetic voice came, "Cousin Yi Hao, what do you mean by the announcement of the board of directors that you issued today? What does it mean that the old man will return to China to recuperate and not take over everything in the group? He is already dead, why don't you return?" Using his reputation to deceive stockholders, and if he is found out, the entire Yi family will be implicated by you sooner or later... Hey, you couple, you two are so hungry and thirsty, the old man rolled on the bed as soon as he got home."

A young man walked in, saw the scene in front of him, and let out an angry reprimand.

Yi Hao froze there, and stopped his aggressive actions.

Qin Yise hurriedly pushed him away, and fled out of the bed from under his armpit, clutching the collar of the pajamas tightly with both hands, and ran out of the room in a panic like a deer.

" dare you run away..."

Yi Futian stared at the woman who ran out, his cheeks were clenched tightly, he really didn't expect his grandpa's granddaughter to be such a thing.

She is about the same age as herself, but has a big belly and messes around with others.

Yi Hao looked at the handsome young man in front of him, sitting on the bed decadently, and explained with annoyance and self-blame: "Young master, don't get me wrong, I don't know what's going on, thinking that she is pregnant as a woman, I must It's not easy, so I came here to see if there is anyone who needs help, I didn't expect that she could not stand the loneliness and seduce me..."

"She's a pregnant woman, seducing you? Cousin, you're the one who is so hungry and thirsty, you want to rape her." Yi Futian looked at him sarcastically, and laughed.

"Young master, this is really a misunderstanding, please don't tell it, I personally don't care, but I'm too sorry for affecting the reputation of the Yi family and Yise, I hope you can help me keep this secret. Can't you just pretend you didn't see anything?" Yi Hao discussed with a good temper.

Hehe, this condition, forgive him for being difficult to obey!

Yi Futian looked at him coldly, and quickly calculated in his mind that there must be something tricky about this couple.

Especially Yi Hao is still grandpa's adopted son, but his performance every time really opened my eyes!

He turned and went downstairs.Yi Hao followed closely, pretending to be careless and said, "The equity of the military factory in District A, and the office building in Times Square will be transferred to you, but the young master must help me keep the secret, and how about signing the agreement? Now the family is in turmoil Period, I don't want to cause extra problems."

"Hehe, it's OK, my cousin is really refreshing in his work."

Yi Futian put his hands in his pockets and said with a pun.

He looked at Qin Yise who was staggering down the stairs, almost fell down several times, and was terrified.

The two men walked down a few steps and called the security guard over: "The master passed away, and Miss Qin was stimulated, so please look at her and take her back to the room, and don't take a step out of the room without permission, otherwise there will be any accidents." , you can all get out!"


(End of this chapter)

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