you are the love of my life

Chapter 572 Fortunately, I kept one hand

Chapter 572 Fortunately, I saved a hand

Rong Jinbei's hawk eyes were full of murderous aura, and his whole body was shrouded in a thick haze, "Go and tie her here!"

"Master, this... I'm afraid it's not good."

"It's nothing bad, I'll go myself!"

President Rong Da gritted his teeth, his internal organs were churning with anger, and he was disturbed.

After saying this, he walked out of the office with long legs without hesitation.

Ling Tuo followed behind him tremblingly. On the one hand, the old man was putting pressure on him, and on the other was the young master's uncompromising hot temper. He was really in a dilemma.

"Investigate immediately! Everything she encountered abroad, including everyone in the Yi family, must not be let go. I want to know everything that happened!"

"Yes! Master, I'll go right away."

Ling Tuo didn't ask why, but since Rong Jinbei was suspicious, he naturally had his reasons.

"If that Yi Shaozong doesn't cooperate with the investigation, let him disappear from the earth immediately."


disappear?That means that the killer can be secretly killed!

After Ling Tuo left, Rong Jinbei drove back to the old house in person.

He couldn't remember how many red lights he ran through along the way, but his mind was filled with pretending to be that woman.

With her personality, even if she was wronged and went abroad with great difficulty, she would never come back easily...

Someone must have coerced her and endangered her, that's why she fled back no matter what.

If he finds out, all these people will surely die!

With slender and clean fingers, he gripped the steering wheel hard, with blue veins popping out, as if he wanted to crush the things in his hands.

But really he's trying to break those backstabbing bastards—

When Rong Jinbei rushed home, Qin Yise had already left.

Rong Zhanting watched leisurely as his son ran up to him out of breath, stopped and asked, "Where is she? What did you do to her?"

"It's already gone, what can I do to her, she's just a lowly woman, her legs are growing on her body, she is free to go wherever she wants, I have never interfered with her!"

"Since this is the case, then I don't need to care about your face. Marrying a woman who is despicable in your eyes is the most important thing in my life." Rong Jinbei declared indifferently.

The old man Rong glared angrily, and burst out angrily: "Nizi, can you say it again?"

"Dad, you are not deaf, you should be able to hear clearly, I said I want to marry her, I want to marry Qin Yise!"

"What kind of ecstasy soup did that woman give you to make you lose 70 billion yuan for her, and now the funds have just been withdrawn, and the news of the marriage with the Gu family has been announced. You regret the marriage at this time, have you thought about the consequences?"

Rong Jinbei sneered: "This is just your wishful thinking decision. To me, it has no value and interests, and is more important than my own woman!"

"Oh, why didn't I know that my son is still a lover, but unfortunately, does that woman appreciate your deep affection? I'm afraid that in the end, it will be a bamboo basket to fetch water, and people and money will be empty?" Rong Zhanting was extremely sarcastic. Said.

Rong Jinbei ignored his sarcasm, and stared at him determinedly, "Dad, you only care about the immediate interests, and I will never let my marriage become a money-making machine for you to bundle and sell. If you have any relationship with the members of the Yi family, then I will definitely settle today's account with my own hands!"

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Old man Rong was so angry that he couldn't breathe well, he covered his chest, his blood pressure rose sharply, and he almost died on the spot——

(End of this chapter)

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