Chapter 573
"Brat, you are so courageous. Your wings are hardened and you have grown up. Compared with a woman for the company's interests, you actually choose that bitch!"

Seeing this, the butler hurriedly supported Rong Zhanting, and put his hand on his chest to give him breath, "Master, your health is the most important thing, don't get angry with the young master for such a trivial matter. If the father and son are in a relationship, let alone you Follow up and suffer!"

But when Rong Zhanting heard this, his anger only increased, he pushed the housekeeper away, took a few steps forward, and grabbed Rong Jinbei's arm, "Do you insist on marrying that woman Qin Yise because of her belly?" The child in the house? You sent someone to investigate the Yi family, what exactly do you want to know?"

"Oh, Dad is guilty? So you also have times when you lack confidence?"

Rong Jinbei turned his head coldly, opened his hands with his big hands, flicked the wrinkles on his suit, tidied them casually, and continued: "I don't believe that everything is a coincidence, in order not to let your plan If you succeed, no matter how difficult it is, I will pursue it to the end!"

Mr. Rong's thin lips moved, his words choked in his throat, but he couldn't say a word.

Rong Jinbei watched his father's strong eyes, and announced without any hesitation: "I am not only because of the child in her belly, but also because she was the woman I decided to marry from the very beginning, and the position of Mrs. Rong must belong to her." .”

After a pause, Rong Jinbei raised his eyebrows provocatively, looked at the unsteady man, and continued, "Is Dad satisfied with this answer?"

Rong Zhanting was so angry that he raised his hand and wanted to give him a slap in the face to wake up the unfilial son.

But Rong Jinbei took precautions in advance, grabbed his wrist, and shook it away forcefully, "You still want to teach me a lesson, but you are already not qualified!"

"Evil son! Don't forget, what is your surname, the Rong family can only accept the daughter of a real noble bloodline, who gave you the courage to marry a lowly prostitute!"

When Rong Jinbei heard this, the corners of his mouth curled up, adding a hint of wildness and arrogance to his handsome face.

There was no warmth in his icy eyes, and the chill was getting stronger. Looking at his father was like looking at a stranger.

If he hadn't blocked him time and time again, then his way of chasing his wife would not have been so twists and turns.

"Dad, this time, I won't give in, not half a step."

He is not a sloppy person, nor is he the obedient son who didn't care about anything and let others arrange his life three years ago.

In the devil training camp, he brushed shoulders with death every day. He never allowed himself to make mistakes, let alone allow anyone to exploit loopholes and ruin his life.

Biological father, still can't...

Rong Zhanting was trembling with anger, looked at the back of his son striding away, pointed at him tremblingly, his eyes were cloudy, "Okay, if you have the guts to go, just be prepared to never see her again! I will kill you now!" People, get rid of that woman, so that you won't be troubled by beauty and delay the rest of your life!"

It can be said that Rong Jinbei contributed a lot to the Rong Group's success today, and the era of their older generation has already passed.

He put his foot down and stomped his chest, but he couldn't control his son at all, he could only threaten him with that woman Qin Yise!

Rong Jinbei paused when he stepped out of the threshold, and without turning his head, he said flatly, "Then wait and see, see if it's you or me!"

His calm and unhurried attitude made Mr. Rong almost pissed off by him.

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(End of this chapter)

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