Chapter 574
Qin Yise's child is gone, which is what he wishes to see, but he can't say it.

Keeping silent and not mentioning it made Rong Zhanting feel very upset!
His monstrous roar came again, accompanied by the sound of the teacup being smashed, Rong Jinbei's leaving footsteps never stopped for a moment——

It might be better for Qin Yise to tell him personally that the child is gone...

Rong Zhanting's anger gradually calmed down, and he couldn't help but chuckle, no parent would not want their children to be perfect, and he used so many tricks, not all for the sake of that unfilial son.


Luo Yunfan took a month's leave and secretly followed Qin Yise to City C, but just as he got off the plane, he lost him.

I didn't expect to call the police, and there was no remedy.

A city is not big, but it is not small. Two people are under the same sky, and maybe they will never meet in this life.

Thinking of this, Luo Yunfan decided to visit an old friend first.

"Yunfan, why did you come back without saying a word?"

Gu Xiyuan drove a sports car and arrived at the agreed place, and the crisp voice broke into the eardrums.

Luo Yunfan held the coffee in his hand, raised his eyes and smiled softly: "I just have something to do, let's take a look at you by the way."

Gu Xiyuan frowned, raised her eyes and looked at him suspiciously, her voice was no longer as sweet as before: "Are you making excuses on purpose, are you afraid that I won't come to see you? I'm getting engaged soon, you'd better stay friends Don't have any illusions about me!"

After speaking, she stood up and was about to leave.

Luo Yunfan smiled faintly, "It's really not because of you that I returned to China this time."

"Luo Yunfan, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive me. At the beginning, you said that your career is the most important thing, and you don't want to waste time on children's affairs. Now that I have found a better one, you are jealous, so you are not reconciled. , you want to come back and destroy my happiness, don’t you? Let me tell you, today’s me, you can’t afford it!”

Gu Xiyuan said confidently that her engagement to Rong Jinbei had been announced by Uncle Rong himself, and many people in the circle knew the news, so it was not surprising that he hurried back to China.

Luo Yunfan stared at her seriously for a few seconds, without much explanation, just said lightly: "Really? Then congratulations, you have found your own happiness."

"It's best for you to know this. Don't call me out in the future if you have nothing to do. It will cause misunderstanding if the reporter sees you like this!"

Gu Xiyuan brushed her slightly curly hair on her shoulders, put down a few hundred-yuan bills, and said with a smile on her lips, "I'll treat you to this cup of coffee. I'll show you the kindness of the landlord. Be careful, don't mind."

She was carrying a Chanel handbag and was about to leave. When she passed by, Luo Yunfan pinched her wrist, rolling her Adam's apple gracefully: "I remember you said before that you have a classmate named Qin Yise of? Do you know where her home is?"

"Qin Yise? How did you know her!"

Gu Xiyuan's eyes widened, her whole body was so sensitive that she was about to burst into flames.

"She was injured in my hospital, and she has met a few times, please tell me if you know."

The man's tone was elegant, and Gu Xiyuan completely stayed where she was.

Just now, it turned out that he was acting affectionate. He didn't come to find her at all, but to inquire about Qin Yise's whereabouts!

Why is every important person in my life being led by the nose by Qin Yise?
"I... I don't know her well, and I don't know where she lives."

(End of this chapter)

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