Chapter 577

Rong Jinbei looked at the little woman with her head down on the bed, her throat choked twice, but she didn't ask anything.

He knew that forcing her would be tantamount to exposing her scars, and she... might not be able to tell the truth.

He put down his phone, walked over, sat on the edge of the bed, and wanted to reach out to touch her head, but Qin Yise didn't look at him, but subconsciously dodged as if telepathically.

The strength of the man blocked her cowardice so that she could not retreat.

Qin Yise took a tight breath, her body and exhausted heart didn't even have the strength to resist.

It was raining in her heart, but Jin Bei was like a scorching sun, his temperature roasted her to pieces.

Obviously, he had already told him personally that the child was gone, but he just insulted her a few words, and then came to feel sorry for her again...

Qin Yise feels that if she thinks differently, she will never be able to be as open-minded as he is.

She became less and less aware of this man.

Rong Jinbei's eyes fell slightly, looking at her neck that was red from being strangled by him, his heart ached like a needle prick.

He gently stroked the mark with his hand, trying his best to suppress the emotions in his chest, Qin Yise pushed his fingers away, "Don't touch me, please."

"You tried your best to escape from me, and now you have stumbled, making yourself covered in bruises, but you still don't want to tell me what, why?"

Hearing his tone, Qin Yise felt so painful that she couldn't breathe.

She forced out a bitter smile stiffly: "I'm to blame for everything today. It doesn't matter if you are good or bad!"

"Why doesn't it matter? Even if you just give me a call or even a message, I can find you right away." Rong Jinbei interrupted her angrily.

Qin Yise lowered her eyes, and said in a voice as soft as a feather, "I've gone too far, why are you still willing to help me?"

Rong Jinbei was so angry that he didn't know what to say to her, and was speechless for a while.

"My patience with you, you never know where the bottom line is!"

Because he doesn't even know himself, whether he has any bottom line for her
"You ran away from me nine hundred and ninety-nine times, even if you look back once, you can see me waiting for you in place."

Rong Jinbei felt that he really couldn't be cruel to this woman, he had fallen on her.

He temporarily forgot about the existence of the child, and only cared for her sufferings, pains and tribulations!
Qin Yise's whole body felt like an electric shock, and her brain instantly lost the ability to think.

He just started, not lightly.

Except when he was in a hurry, he was never willing to hurt her.

Thinking about the wound in her abdomen, how scared would it be to go through the pain of losing a child alone, with no one to support her, and in a foreign country?
Rong Jinbei raised his hand and casually placed it on her lower abdomen. In the past half a month, he endured not contacting her, but there was not a night when he did not miss her deeply.

There was once a child who belonged to them and existed here.

Thinking of what the old man said, he endured it again and again, but he didn't expect that he had only left for half a month to go to Kenya on a business trip, and the old man would pass away.

Thinking about it now, even if he took the initiative to contact her once, or asked someone to inquire about her recent situation, he would not wait until now to find out that she had encountered an accident
The servant heard the movement upstairs, quietly went to the door to have a look, found the scene inside, quietly closed the door, pretended not to see anything, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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