you are the love of my life

Chapter 578 Accidentally took the blame

Chapter 578 Accidentally took the blame

"Some things, if you ask me, I can tell you."

Although it was difficult to speak out, it was like a nightmare that followed him everywhere, but if he went to investigate, he would know the truth of the matter sooner or later, so he might as well tell it himself.

Qin Yise clenched her fingers and pondered for a moment. Before Jin Bei could ask, she slowly said, "Grandpa had a heart attack. I didn't expect him to die suddenly. He was leaving the country in a hurry. I thought It was purely to treat him, but I never thought that someone could not wait to kill him."

"Even if my grandpa was a wise man, it would be difficult for him to guard against those closest to him, and he would strike hard in the back. Thanks to his trust in Yi Hao, that bastard actually bit his benefactor back, what a white-eyed wolf!"

From her words, Rong Jinbei could already figure out a general idea.

Murdering for money, fighting for interests, is nothing more than the ambition of a wolf, wanting to replace it!
In particular, Mr. Yi recognized a granddaughter halfway, which threatened his future interests outside of his family's residence.

Therefore, he was determined that Qin Yise would be isolated and helpless, that he was pregnant and powerless, that man was logically in control of the overall situation, and as the designated heir, he would naturally show his true colors, and he had to clear away all stumbling blocks.

It seems that the matter of the child has nothing to do with him.
"Did that man do something to you?"

"I'm tired, can I stop asking?" Qin Yise closed her eyes wearily, as if she didn't want to bring up this topic any more.

She plucked up the courage, but it was hard to say what she said.

"Okay, don't ask, go to bed when you're tired." Rong Jinbei was very cooperative and didn't continue to ask.

Qin Yise looked at him, but was caught off guard.

She pulled her lips, trying to change the subject, but found that there seemed to be nothing worth talking about between the two of them except the child.

"Aren't you going to get engaged to Gu Xiyuan? Why waste your energy on my affairs."

"Who told you that I'm getting engaged to another woman?"

"There are so many reports that it's hard not to know."

"What will you do if I marry another woman?"

He asked in a very soft voice, Qin Yise curled her lips, and replied nonchalantly: "You are both talented and beautiful, and you are well-matched. You are a well-known couple, and marrying her is also a happy event."

"A happy event? Have you ever thought that this is a trap from the beginning to the end? My dad helped Yi Hao compete for the place to live in the house, and then used his hands to get rid of the child in your belly. He is planning on me again." After marrying Xiyuan and marrying the Gu family, when the time is right, he will announce the child again, who will lose and who will gain, have you seriously thought about it?"

Rong Jinbei analyzed calmly, making sense.

Qin Yise was terrified when she heard that, she was eight months pregnant, and before she knew it, she was disemboweled and taken out. This blow was enough to destroy her.

If she is really so stupid and doesn't rely on his ability and accepts it herself, wouldn't she be making a wedding dress for someone else?
The more she thought about it, the more she felt that these men were too scary. Her chest was heaving violently, and because of her anger and fear, she clenched her teeth tightly, and her lips were about to bleed.

Rong Jinbei stared at her with unfathomable eyes for a long time. He just guessed what he just did, but he didn't expect it to have an unexpected effect!
Letting the father take the blame is also a helpless move. Who told the old man not to enjoy his life well, but to like so many things to interfere with other people's emotional life.

(End of this chapter)

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