you are the love of my life

Chapter 579 For the sake of the child, you must marry

Chapter 579 For the sake of the child, you must marry
This is not wronging him, who let him do things that destroy his image so easily!

"Since you know everything, why didn't you stop him?" Qin Yise asked suspiciously.

Rong Jinbei sighed helplessly, "You don't tell me anything, I can't predict things like a god, as long as you say a word, we can set off immediately and go to Las Vegas to get the certificate and registration, so my father will also get We can't help it."

"I don't have the time to think about these things right now." Qin Yise replied weakly with her lips parted slightly.

Even if she agreed to get married quietly, if Gu Xiyuan knew about it, she would hate her to death, and Rong Zhanting would take her skin off!
But if they calculated themselves like this, would she really suffer from being dumb?

Qin Yise thought about it, but ignored President Rongda's cunning fox-like thoughts, set up the middle game, and waited for her to jump into her arms.

Marrying her as Mrs. Rong was something he had planned for a long time!

And Qin Yise was told by him that the child may be in the hands of Mr. Rong or the Yi family, and he did not die, which ignited new hope.
"Rong Jinbei, how can you play around with your feelings?"

"Just as long as I'm serious about you." The man glanced at her and replied without thinking.

"However, your behavior is a bit irresponsible."

Qin Yise didn't even think about it, she just blurted it out, and after she finished asking, she realized that something was wrong, but she couldn't take it back.

"Why don't you ever think about yourself, sometimes being selfish is not a bad thing."

Isn't there a saying that tells people to do nothing for themselves, and heaven and earth will destroy it?

If she could recognize her interests clearly and grab what she needed, why would she have to suffer like this today.

But it was also her cute weakness that gave him an opportunity to take advantage of!

Qin Yise still had no expression on her face when she heard this, "I used to think that there was nothing to fight for, but now I don't know if the child is alive or not, and I don't even have a chance to see her. It must be uncomfortable in my heart, but these culprits are still at large."

"If you hadn't left desperately back then, would you still be here today?"

"Rong Shao took it by force, and even put money on his face. You think it's an honor, don't you?" Qin Yise's tone became cold.

The man raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender: "Okay, okay, okay, I didn't say anything, let's talk about business."

"What else do you have to do?"

The cold tone seemed to dislike him very much.

Rong Jinbei took her hand, put it on the palm of his hand and rubbed it twice, "When did you go to get the certificate, let the old man give up his heart, and he won't dare to do anything to you!"

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Knowing that your Rong's family is a fire pit, you still jump into it. You want to kill me, right?"

"Don't worry, this kind of thing won't happen again, you marry me obediently, and promise nothing will happen."

"If I believe your mouth, it's better to believe that there are ghosts in the world!"

Qin Yise retorted, and when President Rong Da was about to convince others with reasoning, the phone rang again.

He glanced at the screen, it was a text message from Ling Tuo.

"Young master, the situation here is a bit complicated, you'd better come here yourself, urgent~~"

Rong Jinbei frowned slightly, Ling Tuo was not a man without measure, since he sent out such a signal, it must be that there was a situation where he was unable to make judgments and make correct decisions.

Then there is only one possibility, which is about children!
(End of this chapter)

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