you are the love of my life

Chapter 590 I'm Not Dreaming

Chapter 590 I'm Not Dreaming

Giving birth to a child was the scariest thing in her life.

Just because he didn't feel it, the child in the house disappeared after waking up. There is nothing more creepy than this!

Rong Jinbei's thin lips were tightly pressed, and he stood quietly aside, not speaking for a long time.

It wasn't until the expression on his face became stiff that he pulled the corners of his lips and said bitterly and with difficulty, "It's my fault. The problems you worry about will never happen!"

Because everything has him.

Although the things that have already happened are powerless to change, but in the future that can prevent disasters, he will definitely not let the tragedy happen again.

Qin Yise felt his suppressed emotions, and it might not be better than her own. She sighed, buried her head in his arms, hugged his waist with both hands, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I have no right to blame you, it's me I decided to leave by myself, and I was also at fault."

The man lowered his head, rubbed his thin lips against her smooth forehead, and said softly, "We have our own daughter, which is enough. If the child is not interested in shopping malls in the future, we can adopt a child and make him a successor. It can also protect the happiness of my daughter."

"Speaking is better than singing, but there are few people who can really do it." Qin Yise chuckled lightly.

Rong Jinbei put his arms around her waist, "Then let me prove it to you with actions! Huh?"

Qin Yise replied casually, her eyes fixed on her daughter.

She didn't know that by throwing away her helmet and armor now, she was giving this man a chance to attack the city.
Qin Yise waited in the hospital until the evening. She was not in good health after giving birth, and she was not confinement, so she was more likely to have sequelae.

Rong Jinbei had a lot of business to deal with, but he still turned off his phone and waited in the hospital with her.

Dr. Meyer came out of the operating room, dressed in a clean and tidy white coat, with his standard smile, making people feel refreshed, "The operation was successful, you can go and see the child."


Qin Yise stood up excitedly from the sofa, her face couldn't hide her joy, and her watery eyes even had a faint luster.

Rong Jinbei followed her up and naturally hugged her body.

Qin Yise's legs were weak, if it wasn't for Rong Jinbei's support, she would have fallen to the ground long ago.

Like a loving couple, they helped each other to the intensive care unit.

The baby is out of danger, but it is still in the observation period. The quiet little one makes people's hearts melt when they look at it.

Qin Yise wanted to get closer, to see more clearly, and stared at this little life. She stayed in her stomach for eight months, imagined her appearance countless times, but she was never shocked by seeing it with her own eyes!

Her numb heart was so painful that it was touched by this little life.

... In this world, there is another relative who is with me.

That is her child.

Rong Jinbei's warm figure stood behind her, only a glance away.

She was looking at the child intently, while he was looking at her. Because of the joy of regaining her lost daughter, Qin Yise's whole body exuded a faint radiance of maternal love.

Rong Jinbei's deep and indifferent voice sounded unhurriedly: "The baby is out of danger, as long as the 24-hour observation period passes, there will be no major problems in the future, and you can hold her."

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Qin Yise's eyebrows and eyes were full of joy, she asked in disbelief.

I hope this is not a dream, even if it is a dream, then let her not wake up in the dream!

(End of this chapter)

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