Chapter 591

Qin Yise's eyes suddenly went dark, and she passed out.

She hardly had any warning, just limp in Rong Jinbei's arms.

"Meyer, come here quickly, she's passed out!" Rong Jinbei shouted anxiously.

Dr. Meyer walked over unhurriedly, did a routine examination, and said speechlessly: "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. She just has a severe blood stasis. In addition, she is weak after giving birth. She will be fine if she takes care of her for a while... "

When Qin Yise heard the buzzing sound in her ear, her head became extremely heavy, and her consciousness became more severe, and she passed out, completely unconscious.

Rong Jinbei bent down to pick her up, and walked quickly to the VIP ward, his face full of nervousness.

On the huge bed, Qin Yise fell asleep on it, her brows were tightly furrowed on her quiet face, and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

She grasped the quilt tightly with both hands, as if she was having a nightmare, she kept muttering, tears even fell from the corners of her eyes...

Is this reality, or a dream?
Qin Yise's head was a little confused, she was top-heavy, she felt like she was floating in the air, and her abdomen was empty, as if the wind could pour through it!

it hurts.

The wound tugged at her nerves again, causing her to burst into cold sweat.

She suddenly remembered that her child hadn't even seen the baby's appearance, and such a long distance was not enough to see her facial features.

The feeling of pain became clearer and clearer, but Qin Yise's vision was blurred.

She couldn't tell whether she was awake or asleep, whether it was a dream or a hallucination!
It was as if someone had spoken a lot in her ear, but she couldn't quite hear a single word.

Qin Yise bit her lip, trying to open her eyes, but found it was still a bit difficult.

She exhausted all her energy, her eyes widened and her eyes were full of white, she was a little dazed, after a long time, her hands slowly touched her upper abdomen, the feeling of heartache made her face immediately turn pale.

She lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed, but the familiar severe pain came from her body again. She tried to bear it and walked a few steps, but as soon as her feet stepped on the ground, her legs immediately went limp...

Qin Yise gritted her teeth, pushed open the door of the ward and walked out. Relying on the feeling in her memory, she walked for a while to the baby's ward.

I don't know if she has passed the dangerous period?
"Miss Qin, you're awake!"

A familiar voice came.

Qin Yise leaned on the wall, looked up, and in the quiet corridor, she saw Meier walking towards her in a white coat, with mixed-race facial features, showing a handsome and charming smile, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

"Dr. Meyer, how is the baby? Can I give her a hug?"

"She's in good condition, but your wound is infected, try to stay in bed, don't walk, and don't hold your baby, otherwise, if this goes on, no matter how good a beauty doctor is, it won't be able to save your scar!"

It is natural for women to love beauty, and everyone will care about leaving an ugly scar on their body...

But at this moment, Qin Yise is not in the mood to care about these details!
She just wants kids.

"If the baby is out of danger, can you put her in my ward?"

"No, I promised Jin Bei that you will recover well. His company has something to do, so he went back to preside over an important meeting, and he will come back later. For the sake of your mother and daughter, he didn't close his eyes for several months and slept soundly. Do you have the heart to distract him?"

Dr. Meyer refused righteously.

"I know he's working hard, but he doesn't let me look after the child. I can't rest easy and recuperate."

Qin Yise bit her lip tightly and said pitifully.

(End of this chapter)

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