you are the love of my life

Chapter 597 Repeated Disappointment

Chapter 597 Repeated Disappointment
"This kind of person is too annoying, you don't have to pay attention to it!"

When Luo Yunfan heard the words, he said lightly that he didn't have much to say about matters between women.

"Miss Qin, are you going to take care of the child alone? Single mothers are very tiring jobs..."

"Call me by name." Qin Yise looked at the sunlight outside the window and smiled weakly. The smile on his face was actually more transparent than glass, so pale that there was almost no blood.

"I don't plan to rely on a man for the rest of my life. I just want my daughter to be healthy and healthy!"

Luo Yunfan hooked his lips, and seeing her fragile appearance, he couldn't help but feel a sense of protection in his heart, "Although I don't know what happened to you, I believe that there must be some misunderstanding that made you treat the child The father caused a misunderstanding, so let's have a good talk with each other, after all, it is related to the child's life."

Although he really wanted to take on this responsibility for the man he had never met before.

But the bottom line of morality is to let him choose to be a gentleman!
As expected, Qin Yise let go of her guard easily, and now she completely regards him as someone to confide in, fearing that if she keeps holding back, she will get sick from boredom.

"Hehe, I also thought the same way a few days ago. I tried to accept him, recognize the reality, and tell myself that this is life. But as a result, I just feel tired and don't have any energy to think about other things..."

Thinking of Rong Jinbei, Qin Yise felt that there were endless troubles waiting for her.

She gave a wry smile, and she would admit it when she had this child, but she really couldn't do it if she was allowed to indulge her endlessly.

She was really afraid of such a life, and she didn't want to continue.

Luo Yunfan pinched the ear of the coffee cup, gently shaking the liquid inside, and bursts of aroma came from the end of his nose.

"Then, what are your future plans?" He asked casually.

"I haven't thought about it, let's see a doctor first."

Qin Yise curled her lips into a smile.

"You go back to rest early, I will contact a friend, I will discuss with you when I have an idea about the illness." Luo Yunfan stood up and said gracefully, "I will live in the hotel, if you If you need anything, you can call me anytime."

Qin Yise still smiled slightly, then stood up, "Okay, then I'll wait for your call."

She pushed the baby carriage and went outside.

Luo Yunfan stretched out his hand, wanting to step forward to help her, but he froze in mid-air, and could only leave while watching her back.

It seemed that she was really hurt by love, and it was very deep.

The stories about her are like the fragrance of strong tea, people can't help but explore...
It was sunny and sad outside, just like Qin Yise's mood at this time, although there was a smile on his face, but his heart was like the cold winter snow, desolate.

For some reason, she likes winter more than summer.

That biting coldness can remind her at any time how cruel this world is.

Qin Yise walked on the road absent-mindedly, looking numbly at the scenery along the way. In this city where she grew up, at some point, all the buildings changed their appearance, and they could never regain their previous appearance.

She pushed the stroller forward, attracting the attention of many pedestrians.

These gazes made Qin Yise feel very uncomfortable. She walked to the entrance of a large shopping mall, turned in, and went straight to the mother and baby area on the third floor.

While looking at the baby products on the shelf, she brushed her long hair around her ear.

(End of this chapter)

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