you are the love of my life

Chapter 598 Poaching, No Way

Chapter 598 Poaching, No Way
After choosing some of her own daily necessities, she saw a dazzling array of baby clothes, feeding bottles, and all kinds of trinkets, and she couldn't help but fill the shopping cart.

Seeing someone secretly taking pictures with a mobile phone outside the door, Qin Yise went to the cashier to pay the bill with some displeasure.

She is neither a public figure, nor is she a rich and famous lady in a real wealthy family. I really don't know why these people are secretly filming her!
Are you full? Hold on?

Gu Xiyuan is now more popular than the popular idol, it would be better to take pictures of her.

Qin Yise thought to herself mockingly, and ignored those people, and continued to stroll casually after paying the bill.

If you see what you like, buy it, it doesn't matter whether you use it or not!

After she found out that her daughter was lost and recovered, she couldn't help but buy things for babies as long as she saw them, and the shopping was endless.

Perhaps only in this way can she feel the joy and peace of mind of being a mother.

Coming out of the mall, her cell phone rang in her bag.

Qin Yise teased the baby in the stroller. The baby just woke up, yawning lazily, like a lazy kitten, very cute.

Qin Yise took out her mobile phone and looked at her daughter's gentle smile. The word Luo Yunfan on the screen gradually faded the smile on her face, and she quickly became nervous. She answered the phone, "Hi, Luo Yunfan doctor."

"I have some good news to tell you. How about it, is it convenient for you to hear it?" His voice, still so gentle, rang in her ears.

"Tell me, I'm outside." Qin Yise was mentally prepared, no matter how big the blow was, she would survive it, it didn't matter whether it was good or bad,

"Your body is very weak and needs rest. Don't take postpartum recovery seriously, otherwise you will be the one who suffers in the future." Luo Yunfan frowned and said, his voice was hoarse, and the place was very quiet.

"Understood, I'm about to go back, and I must follow the doctor's orders." Qin Yise teased with a slightly joking tone.

Luo Yunfan's voice was just like his person's, extremely gentle, his breathing seemed to be whispering softly in her ear, even through the phone.

This feeling of being teased made Qin Yise tense all over, feeling a little uncomfortable.

His friendship for her was beyond the boundary of friends, and it was not a relationship between lovers, but he didn't directly make it clear.

Just caring silently like this, being unconditionally good to her, making her think of him first at critical moments, but she dared not pin her feelings on him.

Luo Yunfan is so smart, when he heard Qin Yise's silence for a few seconds, he knew that there was a conflicting ideological struggle in her heart, but he was not in a hurry to force her.

Although I am not a psychiatrist, I can accurately grasp certain people and certain emotional changes...

"I contacted my teacher, who works as a professor in the military hospital, and is willing to provide me with medical facilities and venues. When the arrangements are made, we can take the baby there for treatment."

"Really? Thank you!"

Qin Yise spoke excitedly, when she suddenly heard a commotion behind her, pedestrians were discussing something, and all retreated away.

She turned her head when she heard the sound, and seeing everyone spreading rapidly, she couldn't help wondering, what happened?
Everyone is so weird!

Luo Yunfan was in the hotel, looking at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and also heard the noise on the other end of the phone, and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with you, what's the noise?"

(End of this chapter)

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