you are the love of my life

Chapter 599 Worried that something happened to him

Chapter 599 Worried that something happened to him
"I don't know, it seems to be a traffic accident." Qin Yise replied casually, "It's too messy here, I'll go back first, just like that, the phone is hung up."

"Okay, bye, take care of yourself."

Luo Yunfan exhorted.

Qin Yise left quickly and casually glanced at the crowd, as if it was really a car accident, she continued walking without taking it to heart.

But there was a luxury car parked in the accident center, the license plate number was so familiar, the front of the car was almost crushed by the truck, beyond recognition.

Only the license plate and logo on the back were very conspicuous. Qin Yise stopped and stared at the surrounded car accident scene.

The bloodstains all over the floor, as well as the voices of regret in her ears, made her froze there...

She thought of countless possibilities, no matter which one, she was shocked and unacceptable.

Her face was extremely pale, her eyes were dull, her lips were trembling, and the only sound in her ears was the piercing siren of the police car.

Every sound is like stepping on the tip of her heart.

Qin Yise stood there holding the armrest of the baby carriage, like a statue.

Time seems to be frozen...

Raindrops fell on her face, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and her black eyes trembled slightly.

After a long time, she forced herself to turn around, but she didn't know where to go.

"Did you think I was the one who had the car accident? Were you worried about me just now?"

A tall and slender figure froze behind her, with black leather shoes stepping on fallen leaves all over the ground, and came to her side.

He has a straight figure, neatly dressed in a silver-gray suit, a perfect figure, and a strong aura.

This man seemed to have fallen from the sky, and seemed to come from the end of the world.

She really thought he was the one who was in the car accident just now, because of the same car and the familiar license plate number, at that moment, she almost believed that he had an accident.

Qin Yise's mind went blank for a moment, but she didn't expect that the person she was worried about would appear in front of her without any warning, holding her by the shoulder and asking her if she was worried about him!

The two of them were deadlocked like this, neither of them said a word...

Rong Jinbei walked up to Qin Yise, glanced at the daughter in the stroller, bent down and touched her pink face, slightly raised her thin lips, and said in a low voice, "She's still young, and she doesn't have any immunity yet. It's fully developed, it's dangerous for you to take her around like this!"

His voice was still low and magnetic.

Perhaps after experiencing the ups and downs just now, Qin Yise's mood is still difficult to calm down.

The feeling of riding a roller coaster is indescribable tension and anxiety.

Did she really fall in love with him?

No, it's impossible.

Her nervousness was just instinctive.

In the thrilling car accident, she almost thought that he was the one who caused the car accident. That kind of worry and fear gnawed at her heart.

Qin Yise took a look at the man in front of her, and walked away without saying anything.

Her steps were stiff, but her attitude was decidedly indifferent.

The moment he passed by, Rong Jinbei held his arm tightly.

"Since you are worried about me, why are you still angry with yourself? Why do you bother?"

"I'm calm, I just don't want to see you."

Qin Yise's eyes froze, and after a few seconds, she gave him an indifferent glance.

"Having lost your temper again? If I was the one who had a car accident just now, would you still say such things?"

Rong Jinbei stared at her with persistence and firmness in his eyes, and asked word by word.

It is not a matter of misunderstanding or not between them, but that they are simply not suitable for being together.

Especially the matter between him and Gu Xiyuan is really ironic.

He can feel at ease, he can do it so grandiosely, dealing with two women, she may not be able to pretend nothing happened.

She, Qin Yise, couldn't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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