you are the love of my life

Chapter 600 Want to play the trick of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge again?

Chapter 600 Want to play the trick of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge again?

She looked at him indifferently and distantly, smiled mockingly, and said with a deliberately unfamiliar tone, "Why should I worry about you, who am I, Mr. Rong?"

He didn't let her see the child, and even concealed his illness. How long did he want to deceive her like a fool?

She knew that the typo was not caused by him alone, but the fuse was caused by him after all.

In fact, the ravine in the middle is separated by thousands of mountains and thousands of rivers, why doesn't she know it?
We are not suitable, Rong Jinbei, you know better than anyone else.

I am no longer that ignorant girl who lets you fuck as you please...

She looked at him with all her strength, and looked at him, even though her aura was inferior, her determination to leave him did not diminish in the slightest.

Rong Jinbei looked at her with deeper eyes, and the vortex seemed to engulf her.

After a long time, he opened his thin lips lightly, and replied word by word, "I am the father of the child, and you are her mother. Is this enough reason?"

not enough!

Because of the word father, he is not worthy at all.

Qin Yise's heart has long been chilled by the despair of family affection, and she didn't hold much expectation.

But his voice was so deep, with the illusion of tenderness and lingering, that one's heart couldn't help but sink.

"Isn't Mr. Rong a famous woman? Why are you rushing to be my daughter's father?" Qin Yise asked coldly.

Rong Jinbei's hand rested on the stroller, and the other hand tightly squeezed her wrist, such slender bones seemed to break if squeezed...

"It's all a misunderstanding, and I can explain it."

He looked at her with dark eyes.

I just came back from the company and finished a lot of work and meetings, so I didn't even have time to go to the entertainment, so I just turned it down and came to see her.

But Qin Yise didn't appreciate it at all, she lowered her eyes, her eyes fell on his hand, she smiled disdainfully, "No need, you can save it for other women to explain, you might as well think about it, if your fiancee misunderstood What should I do?"

She didn't have the courage to listen to his promise and explanation.

Because too much, so the heart has long been numb.

The disdain in her light tone completely angered the man in front of her.

Rong Jinbei couldn't help but increase the strength of his palm, and a sullen voice rang in her ears, "What fiancee, didn't I say that the woman I want to marry will only be you, and you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge? I'll help you find After returning to my daughter, you don't want me!"

The words were direct and ruthless, Qin Yise was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and looked at him in disbelief, showing surprise on her face, as if she didn't expect him to say such words.

Who crosses the river and demolishes the bridge.

While making a promise, he also started a scandal with Gu Xiyuan.

She also lied to her about the child's condition, saying that it is not a serious problem, but in fact, she may die at any time...

Rong Jinbei stared at her with scorching eyes, that kind of innate aloof aura made people feel a sense of oppression invisibly.

From the very beginning, between them, he was forcing and she was compromising.

What Qin Yise hates the most is that she has to use this posture to look up at him because she is always small...

Even if there is no equality between people, she is tired of this way of getting along, let alone a lifetime of such a long time to transition.

In the gap of silence, Rong Jinbei was caught off guard, and was thrown away by Qin Yise. She looked at him with cold eyes: "You can think whatever you like, just think of me as crossing a river and tearing down bridges!"

After Qin Yise finished speaking, she was about to leave, but was blocked by Rong Jinbei.

(End of this chapter)

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