you are the love of my life

Chapter 602 Conspiracy and Misunderstanding, You Blame Me Wrongly

Chapter 602 Conspiracy and Misunderstanding, You Blame Me Wrongly

"I've never thought about it that way." He didn't know that she had so much dissatisfaction in her heart.

In the past, I tried my best to imprison her by my side. I really wanted to let her go when I got tired of playing.

But gradually, he found that his feet were deep in the mud, and he couldn't stop...

"Whether there are, it doesn't matter anymore." Qin Yise said expressionlessly, twisting her shoulders to get rid of his big hands.

She just wants to leave now.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

The man stared at her, furious at her attitude.

"It doesn't seem to be your business!"

She brushed her long hair behind her ears, with a faint expression on her face, without much heat.

Rong Jinbei stared at her with fiery eyes, unwilling to miss every subtle expression change on her face.

That gaze was like a flame scalding her skin, Qin Yise felt that she was being roasted, and her skin seemed to be burned at any moment.

"Rong Jinbei, if you really think about me, let me take the child away, don't always be self-righteous, take care of everything for me, you never know what I'm thinking." She looked at the man in front of her, Say it word by word.

Rong Jinbei was silent for a moment and didn't speak, but he didn't let her go either.

Time seems to have frozen, the world is quiet only the sound of each other's heartbeats.

After a while, he slowly curled his lips, and said with a half-smile, "I don't need to know what you're thinking, I just need to know what you lack."

"I don't need anything."

"No, you lack it, it's just that you don't know it."

Rong Jinbei stared straight at her, and suddenly, he took a step forward and pulled her into his arms, refusing to let go.

Qin Yise pushed him angrily, "What are you doing, let me go quickly, if you hurt my daughter, I will never end with you for the rest of my life."

"I just like that you can't finish with me!"

Rong Jinbei's tired body was instantly aroused by Qin Yise's rubbing.

He lifted Qin Yise up on one shoulder, pushed the baby carriage with the other hand, and strode toward the side of the road.

After a while of dizziness, Qin Yise felt dizzy and dizzy, her stomach was churning and she just wanted to vomit.

She watched helplessly as the man threw her into the car, then slammed the door shut and unlocked it.

The baby carriage was stuffed into the trunk by him, Rong Jinbei hugged the baby from the other side of the car door, and bullied him.

The narrow space in the back row just accommodated their family of three.

Qin Yise tightened her lips and looked at him displeased.

Eyes full: What do you want to do?Impatient look.

She knows this man's tricks too well. Since he came to her, he won't let her leave easily.

"The car in the accident is indeed mine."

He stared at her deeply, his voice low and hoarse.

Qin Yise froze for a moment, looked at him dully, and waited for the next sentence.

"Nan Sheng asked me to borrow a car early this morning, saying that in order to cover people's eyes and ears, he wanted to do something, so he borrowed my name to ask Gu Xiyuan out to meet, but who knows, she promised on the phone, and Nan Sheng happened on the way. There was a serious car accident, the driver died on the spot, and Nan Sheng... also entered the intensive care unit."

Rong Jinbei said that he seemed to be able to hear his faint sighs.

"What do you say that has anything to do with me!"

Qin Yise replied bluntly.

It seems that they are not interested in the process of the car accident and the conspiracy behind it at all. They want to play a love triangle, just don't get involved with themselves!
(End of this chapter)

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