you are the love of my life

Chapter 603 Solve the pain of lovesickness

Chapter 603 Solve the pain of lovesickness

"Isn't it too much for you to deny me in such a hurry to sentence me to life imprisonment?"

He grabbed her wrist with one hand and cut her off resolutely.

"I..." Qin Yise got stuck in the middle of her words, and was immediately blocked by the man in front of her again.

Rong Jinbei's entire face was covered, and Qin Yise closed her eyes nervously in fright.

I saw the man stopped a tenth of a millimeter away from her lips.

There was a smile in his voice, his thin lips were raised slightly, and his charming eyes were extremely deep, "A woman like Gu Xiyuan can kill anyone who treats her with her life. If I marry Can she still live a stable life? Nan Sheng has liked her for more than ten years, but she is just a rock, and she still can't be warmed up, and she still expects that she really likes someone, so that's why she desperately wants to marry?"

To put it bluntly, it's just interests and vanity at work.

In order to conquer challenging men and prove her charm, she does not hesitate to use all means!
Qin Yise was stunned for a moment.

"Mr. Rong, did you make up a story to deceive me? It's so vivid, it's a pity not to make a movie. Speaking of which, when did you learn to deceive people with your mouth? One wants to snatch my daughter, and the other comes to coax me with sweet words I foolishly believe you, do you want me to treat me like a pet and play with it in the palm of my hand, so that you will be happy?"

He lied to her time and time again, but he still repeated the old trick.

When Rong Jinbei heard this, he frowned, "Who said I lied to you, I never lied to you."


Qin Yise glared at him angrily.

"Why, what made you angry?"

Rong Jinbei stared deeply at her face and asked.

He still has the face to ask.

"I don't like you being so close to me. Give me back my daughter. Don't come here! Rong Jinbei, do you have a mental problem? You treat me well at one time and treat me bad at another. You already have a fiancée, whether it's hype , or whether it is a fake show or a real show, we have already put the awkward relationship between us there. President Rongda, I don’t want to get involved in your right and wrong, and I don’t want to involve my child. Don’t you think you are selfish like this? ?”

Hearing these words, Rong Jinbei's face quickly darkened, like a harbinger of a storm.

He stared at her deeply, and asked word by word, "Qin Yise, you mustn't doubt my sincerity to you!"

This is an honor that many women can't even dream of.

"You are so lenient that you even interfere with my thoughts?" Qin Yise said sarcastically.

"I know you're still blaming me for hiding your daughter's illness, but that's a last resort."

"But as her mother, I have the right to know, don't I?"

Qin Yise stepped back, distanced herself from him, and asked somewhat unnaturally.

"Yes, but sometimes white lies are for your own good."

Rong Jinbei stared at her, his chest heaved violently, as if very angry.

Qin Yise gritted her teeth and stared back fiercely, the hatred in her eyes was also so obvious.

The two are like unicorns, opposing each other, neither of them is willing to give in.

Even if you are covered in bruises, you must maintain the last pride...

Isn't there a saying, don't shed tears, the bitch will laugh, don't bow your head, the crown will fall?
Qin Yise felt that this was her true portrayal at this time.

Rong Jinbei stared at her red lips, and suddenly his eyes darkened. Without warning, he lowered his head, pressed her on the leather seat, and searched for her lips...

Holding the child in one hand, he kissed the woman under him vigorously, venting his dissatisfaction and jealousy, as well as the lovesickness of months of abstinence.

(End of this chapter)

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