you are the love of my life

Chapter 604 Who Is Playing With Feelings?

Chapter 604 Who Is Playing With Feelings?

Rong Jinbei held her down angrily, and Qin Yise took his arm and bit down desperately.

She bit hard enough, and a row of crimson tooth marks immediately appeared on his strong wrist...


Rong Jinbei withdrew his hand in pain, and let out a muffled groan.

Qin Yise used all her strength just now to vent all her resentment on her teeth, as if this would make herself feel better.

She was about to bite off a piece of his flesh, Rong Jinbei looked at his wound bleeding, his face turned pale with pain, but he didn't say much.

He let her bite, as long as she can feel more comfortable in her heart, it doesn't matter if it hurts him a little.

Qin Yise wiped her lips and looked at him without any warmth in her eyes: "You owe me this!"

The corners of her lips were still stained with dots of blood, and the row of teeth marks on Rong Jinbei's arm, blood beads bubbling out.

"I owe you, and I am willing to spend my whole life to make up for it." He said without hesitation without even looking at the wound on his hand.

"In this life, I don't care too much. If you still have a little conscience, return your daughter to me..."

Before he finished speaking, Rong Jinbei suddenly pressed the back of her head with one hand, his eyes were full of hot flames.

Qin Yise acted first, opened her mouth, and bit him if she caught her.

Rong Jinbei was bitten countless times by her, but he didn't seem to feel any pain.

It seems that after a long century, Qin Yise finally vented enough and stopped biting him again.

Rong Jinbei felt the teeth on his wrist gradually loosen, and his frown gradually eased.

"Despicable and shameless, using children to threaten women, what kind of a gentleman!" Qin Yise said through gritted teeth.

"Not despicable and shameless, how can I get you, and let you willingly give birth to my child?"

"Enough, Rong Jinbei, I think you are crazy!" Qin Yise was furious.

Rong Jinbei stared at her with dark eyes, his alluring face was full of pain.

The more she scolded herself, the more he wanted to conquer her.

It was only because of this that he felt that she was really in front of him, there was no news at all, and she didn't just walk away or run away to prevent him from finding her.

"What kind of tricks do you want to play to lie to me? Toying with me again and again makes you think it's very interesting?"

Qin Yise stared at him, and roared almost hysterically.

He is a businessman, but also a man.

Under the premise of profit-seeking, you must also ensure that you will not lose money.

In love, the same is true.

It is not his style to lose his wife and lose his army.

He already regarded Qin Yise as his property, so he naturally didn't want her to have any contact with other men.

He already had a plan in his heart, and Qin Yise was even more angry when he saw his malicious appearance.

At first, she thought he was an honest gentleman, but she didn't expect that he was still so vile in his bones.

"Every minute I'm with you, I find it very interesting." He said truthfully.

That calm and breezy expression was as leisurely as a high-ranking monarch, waiting for her obedience.

Qin Yise gritted her teeth, but she had no choice but to torture him a thousand times in her heart.

"Do you think it's torture?" He asked abruptly.

"Otherwise?" Qin Yise frowned and answered honestly.

"Qin Yise, you're really fat." Rong Jinbei gritted his teeth.

"I'm sorry, I'm born with such a personality, I don't know how to please people." Qin Yise smiled mockingly.

(End of this chapter)

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