you are the love of my life

Chapter 637 One wave is not flat, another wave rises

Chapter 637 One wave has not settled down, another wave has arisen

"What about others?" Qin Yise asked in a daze.

Opening his mouth, he could still smell the strong smell of alcohol.

"The young master is in the ward, and the situation is not very good." Ling Tuo stood in front of her and said, "As for the young lady, she is out of danger, you can rest assured."


Qin Yise had mixed feelings in her heart.

Mixed joys and sorrows.

Her daughter's condition has finally stabilized. Although she has suffered so much since birth, she feels distressed, but there is always hope in life.

She will definitely find a way to cure this disease!
As for Rong Jinbei, a car accident caused him to be injured so badly, she could hardly absolve herself of the blame.

But it also shows that there is a problem with his body, or there is something unspeakable hidden...

"He has you taking care of him, of course I can rest assured!"

Qin Yise's casual attitude made Ling Tuo very angry. The young master worked hard for him, going through life and death, but she was fine, acting as if she had nothing to do with her!

"Miss Qin, I'm not talking about you. Every time I tell you about the young master, you are like this. Isn't he good enough for you? You should really reflect on it, otherwise you will miss it and regret it for the rest of your life. You will regret it in the future. !"

As a bystander, Ling Tuo couldn't stand it anymore, and defended his boss.

They never talked about the young master's personal relationship issues, but this time it was Qin Yise's attitude that angered him and made him feel uncomfortable.

Qin Yise still didn't respond, her eyes were gloomy, and she looked ahead.

Of course she knew that Ling Tuo didn't mean anything malicious, and she also knew that she was going too far. I'm afraid that most men would not be as tolerant and generous to herself as Rong Jinbei.

But his kindness today made her remember even more his past robbery!

So she will not have a good impression of a man who uses strength on himself.

Not to mention the germination of feelings that shouldn't arise!

In the ward.

Dr. Meier is leading a large number of foreign experts around Rong Jinbei's bed for joint consultations.

Qin Yise followed Ling Tuo out of the elevator, she hadn't figured out how to face the man inside, but no matter what, she should guard him until he recovered.

The entire floor was booked out and became Rong Jinbei's private domain.

There were twice as many bodyguards than usual. Everyone was expressionless, wearing sunglasses, and looked very serious.

The doctor inside said in fluent English: "The patient's current condition is not very good. The concussion caused by the car accident has caused complications from the old injury. Even if the operation is performed, it will still be troublesome."

"Is the situation already this bad?" The manager of the Rong family stood beside him and asked worriedly.

"Yes, we have been able to confirm the diagnosis. The patient suffered a gunshot wound to the head, and he did not recuperate well at the beginning, leaving sequelae. In addition, he worked long hours and high-intensity, and did not get enough rest, which caused serious brain damage. Now he needs Immediate surgery is very risky, but if it is delayed, it will be life-threatening."

"Is there no other way? If it is an operation, what is the worst outcome?" the housekeeper asked.

"The patient's headache symptoms are becoming more and more frequent, and simple sedative drugs and painkillers have no effect on him. If it continues, it will only be more unfavorable to the patient."

Everyone held their breath and waited for the following.

The doctor's occupational disease may be because he likes to play tricks. After a long silence, the attending professor among them said slowly: "Compared to the danger of life, the risk of surgery is not worth mentioning at all, so you should make a decision as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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