you are the love of my life

Chapter 638 Directed the scene personally

Chapter 638 Directed the scene personally
life in danger...

Qin Yise paused in her steps, and her hand on the doorknob froze instantly.

Her heart seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar.

"I just want to know the risks of the operation, and what kind of damage will it do to the human body?" Director Wei is Mr. Rong's confidant, and his words represent the authority of Mr. Rong.

"Amnesia, vegetative state, it's all possible."

"Just because you said it doesn't mean you said it for nothing, no matter what kind it is, it won't help our young master's condition!" Manager Wei's tone hardened.

"Losing these things is better than losing your life. The risk of surgery varies from person to person according to the condition. Some people will not lose their memory if they are strong-willed, and some people will not become a vegetable if they are strong and strong. Craniotomy is not trivial, and it is full of complex neural structures. , we can only reduce the risk as much as possible, it is impossible to guarantee a 100% success rate!"

The professor calmly reminded him to recognize the reality.

Butler Wei didn't say anything more, opened the door and walked out.

When he happened to meet Ling Tuo, he glanced at Qin Yise with displeasure, and said angrily, "The young master's condition is not optimistic, so why don't you stay by his side?"

"Yes, manager." Ling Tuo nodded hastily, and answered obediently.

"Let the doctor arrange the operation as soon as possible. The master is too old to stand such a torment!" He sighed, and then walked away with some people with heavy steps.

Qin Yise and Ling Tuo stood outside the door, looking inside through the glass, the experts seemed to be still discussing the treatment plan.

"Miss Qin, I have to remind you one more thing. Miss Gu is the fiancee in name of the young master. Although the engagement ceremony was not held, the press conference was released. This will not change. The young master will undergo surgery tomorrow. I don't know, you should be mentally prepared for yourself and your baby!" Ling Tuo said to the point.

Hearing this, Qin Yise glanced at him, and then withdrew her eyes, her eyes were still calm and said, "Thank you for your reminder, I will take it to heart."

"Not only do you have to take it to heart, but you have to make plans as soon as possible. The young master was shot in the head. If he goes crazy and does something, no one can stop him, including whom to marry, your child, these are all things Unknown factor."

"Then what do you mean, I should run away?"

Qin Yise asked back in response.

"The hospital is heavily guarded, and it is difficult for a fly to fly out now. Do you think the master will let you mess around under his nose? Don't think about this kind of thought, and stay with the young master at ease. Let's talk about it after he finishes the operation." Bar!"

Ling Tuo said melancholy, looking at the man on the hospital bed, a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

Every word hit Qin Yise's heart, and most of the drunkenness instantly sobered up.

She leaned against the cold wall, which seemed to make her body feel better. The central air conditioner was very cool, but her forehead was still dripping with sweat.

Thinking of the child, Qin Yise felt a pain in her heart.

It turned out that no one could save her from the abyss she couldn't get out of, and instead, she would be implicated and sink along with her.

Why didn't he tell her that he had a bad head injury.

Then, no matter what she said, she would not let him take this risk for herself.

Qin Yise closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her long eyelashes trembled twice, she choked up silently.

"In order to get you to forgive him, the young master deliberately resorted to tricks and personally directed and acted out this car accident..."

(End of this chapter)

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