you are the love of my life

Chapter 642 Her selfishness is also a last resort

Chapter 642 Her selfishness is also a last resort

Before Qin Yise finished speaking, she was interrupted by Rong Jinbei: "Don't embarrass yourself, and I don't need you to compromise for me!"

"Then you promise me that you will not die, let alone have any accidents."

Qin Yise held his hands instead, and said solemnly.

Rong Jinbei stared at her with a pair of eyes, and nodded heavily.

This kind of silent promise is more difficult to bear than any other vows.

But if he refused, he couldn't say it...

It's good to give her a little hope.

"I want you to swear, promise me, you won't let yourself have any accidents!" Qin Yise said stubbornly, forcing him to promise: "Your injury is already serious enough, and it was caused by me. If you have If there are three long and two short, then I will live in guilt for the rest of my life."

Rong Jinbei looked at her and was silent for a moment, his breathing became heavier.

She was just afraid of living in guilt, so she asked him not to have any accidents.

After all, she only cares about herself...

"I can control the man-made risks, but I can't guarantee this kind of uncertainties." Rong Jinbei said hoarsely.

"Isn't this your private domain? Isn't there the best medical team in the world? A dozen experts have jointly consulted, how could you do something you're not sure about?" Qin Yise asked in disbelief.

Her nerves were so tense that a straw could crush her.

"I'll try my best." Rong Jinbei curled his lips bitterly, that was the only way to respond.

Qin Yise took the opportunity to encourage him: "Not only for yourself, but also for our daughter, so nothing will happen."

Now he knows that he is playing the sympathy card with his daughter, and he was anxious to get rid of the relationship a few days ago. She is such a realistic woman, who told him that he just liked her to the bone!
"Okay, I see. I remember every word you said, but don't forget your promise. After the operation is over, you will be with me and form a complete family."

"The premise is that we each take care of ourselves." Qin Yise nodded and said.

Rong Jinbei sighed helplessly, their thoughts were not on the same channel at all.

"If you can't protect me, your father will take away our child and even kill me."

Qin Yise stated the facts in a calm tone, and she also admired herself. At this time, she was able to calmly think about all kinds of consequences.

"Are you willing to let me face this alone? Rong Jinbei."

He was lying on the bed, she was sitting in front of the bed, there was a few seconds of silence in the air, and finally he said: "Did you be stimulated by something, why did you become so eloquent all of a sudden, and it was like saying goodbye to life and death, see me off? Or should I secretly record my words as my last words, to protect myself wisely?"

Only when we have to separate can we be so reluctant.

He just had an operation. The head injury was already an old disease, and Meier performed the operation himself, so the risk was reduced by half.

But seeing Qin Yise's performance and these inexplicable words made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I just prepared for the worst. The situation forced me to plan ahead." Qin Yise said softly.

In the year of acquaintance with him, there were more quarrels than peaceful co-existence, and the idea of ​​running away was much stronger than staying. She never thought that she would be so bound to him for the rest of her life, but life had already worn away all her water chestnuts, leaving only Smooth and sophisticated.

(End of this chapter)

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