you are the love of my life

Chapter 643 After the operation, go to get the certificate

Chapter 643 After the operation, go to get the certificate

She has to think about her daughter, at least, she can't let the child lose his support for the rest of his life.

"In your eyes, my role is only these?"

When Rong Jinbei asked, he almost gritted his teeth and asked word for word.

She thought of everything.

Where can I put him?

"Rong Jinbei, as long as you live well, this is the greatest comfort to me."

Don't get hurt anymore, don't add a little scar for him.

Rong Jinbei looked at her motionlessly, his eyes were dim, his thin lips were tightly pressed, he hesitated for a long time, but he didn't speak.

Why didn't he, he didn't want her to get hurt.

"Have you finished what you need to say?" Rong Jinbei asked calmly.

The entire ward was silent, only the sound of breathing and the ticking of instruments.

Rong Jinbei's powerful aura surrounded her, leaving her nowhere to escape.

It took a long time for Qin Yise to recover, "It's over, you should have a good rest, I'll sleep on the sofa."

"Sleep together, anyway, no one will know which will come first tomorrow or the accident." Rong Jinbei said in a low voice, "Maybe by tomorrow, you won't even have the courage to stand by my side, so it's better to live in the present .”

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Qin Yise responded, and said something in her heart: Maybe you suddenly figured it out, if you don't get involved by me, you won't be for me anymore.Go against your father.

Then, the resistance will be much less, and the pressure of living will be much less.

There won't be so many messy troubles!

Rong Jinbei moved back to make room for her.

Qin Yise was lying in his arms, her hands clenched into fists, her nails sunk into her palms.

Thoughts are struggling fiercely.

"When I went abroad, I thought that I had escaped from the prison, but I didn't expect that in the end, it was nothing but joy. My self-righteousness hurt myself."

Rong Jinbei wrapped her arms around her waist, staring at the back of her head with a pair of black pupils, and said with a soft sigh, "It's all over, don't think about it, people have to look forward!"

"You're right." Qin Yise turned around in his arms, faced him, found a comfortable position, pressed against his chest, and fell asleep sweetly, "My unrealistic dreams , have all disappeared, and you should be sober, shoulder your own responsibilities, and be responsible for the future of your children, Rong Jinbei, I'm sorry, I'm too headstrong."

She actually said sorry to him.

It’s incredible!
She has experienced so much oppression, and it is normal to want to escape from him and give up on herself.

But in just a few hours, it is amazing for a stubborn person to suddenly change his mind!

"Are you comforting me, afraid that if I fail the operation and die on the operating table, you will have to be a widow? Don't worry, I'm not that authoritarian. As long as you guard me for three years, I don't mind if you find a lover. "

He said solemnly.

Qin Yise didn't want to appease him, but said naturally, "I won't find a stepfather for my daughter, there is nothing wrong with living alone for the rest of my life."

She is extremely distrustful of men. If Rong Jinbei fails the operation and cannot wake up, and if Mr. Rong does not stop him, then she is willing to raise her daughter alone.

Rong Jinbei stared at the top of her hair in a daze, and suddenly said coldly: "Should you marry me first?"

"What's wrong with you like this? Didn't you say that you owe it first? After your operation is over, we will go to get the certificate, okay?"

Qin Yise closed her eyes and said calmly.

Then the breathing gradually became even, as if he had fallen asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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