you are the love of my life

Chapter 644 let go of each other

Chapter 644 let go of each other
Rong Jinbei lowered his eyes, looking at her sweet facial features, and she was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

In the past, he was the one who took the lead, but now it's what she says, what she says!
At this moment, the woman he was thinking of was close at hand, and he was hugging him in his arms. Rong Jinbei's eyes became darker and darker. He really wanted to wake her up. After all, this night was destined to be extraordinary.

But seeing the tiredness on her brow, he couldn't bear it.

Qin Yise was half asleep and half awake, feeling that there were two eyes looking at her all the time.

She shrank back and was held down by a pair of big hands.

She trembled all over, resisting the urge to open her eyes, and remained silent for several seconds.

Rong Jinbei seemed very arrogant, his eyes were like raging fire, burning everything.

The smell of disinfectant in the air lingered on Qin Yise's nose, and her mouth felt a bit bitter. She swallowed uncomfortably, but her throat was burning with pain.

Qin Yise opened her eyes slightly, endured and endured, and said in distress, "Water!"

She was very thirsty, but when she moved, she was immediately restrained by the man beside her, unable to move.

"Since you're awake, why do you pretend to be asleep? Are you thirsty? What do you want to drink, huh?"

With his big hands like iron tongs, he clasped her chin forcefully, and questioned her mercilessly.

"Let me go." Qin Yise struggled twice.

"Let go? Hehe." His voice was hoarse, as if mocking her ignorance.

Qin Yise was anxious and angry, pinched and beat him vigorously, but failed to shake him a bit, so she had to give up, and met his eyes angrily.

"You have to have surgery tomorrow, so you should have a good rest." She tried to persuade her.

"I'm afraid that if I fall asleep, I won't be able to wake up, so I need to see you more." The man curled his lips lightly, as if he was joking, but Qin Yise didn't feel at ease when he listened.

She subconsciously stretched out her finger and covered his mouth, preventing him from saying, "Crow's mouth!"

Rong Jinbei smiled, stretched out his arms, and hugged her tightly, his pale face was bloodless: "If you are willing to accompany me crazy again, even if you can't wake up in this life, I will have no regrets. "


I really don't know what to say about him. At the last moment of life and death, what is going on in my head is actually how crazy.

The two stared at each other seriously, like first-time lovers, strange feelings lingering in the air.

Rong Jinbei looked at her reluctance to speak, and smiled softly: "Are you trying to scold me?"

"How dare I, this is your true nature of a hero, so you don't need to think about it, you can understand." Qin Yise scolded him angrily.

Rong Jinbei regarded her as the most delicious food, and slowly put it in his mouth to taste, but she was unwilling to cook his food.

"Yeah, at the end of life, I just hope that my good will offset all the bad, so that you can remember all the good memories and forget the unpleasant past, okay?"

When Qin Yise heard this, she was stunned, thinking that he might have amnesia and insanity, if he turned back into the original him and couldn't remember his feelings for him, would he torture himself in another way?
Rong Jinbei knew her worry and understood what she meant, reached out and stroked her hair, and said dotingly: "Fool, I will never forget you even if I forget myself."

Yes, she is the biggest fool in the world...

I don't understand that he is hot and cold, far and near, whether it's because he likes me, or he wants to torture himself, but he is still willing to fall into his trap, even if he may drown at any time, he doesn't regret it!
(End of this chapter)

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