you are the love of my life

Chapter 655 Answer Me 1 Sentence Chapter

Chapter 655 Answer Me One Word
Rong Jinbei opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat by himself, his eyes staring ahead, his hands clenched on the steering wheel, his eyes were dark and deep, and his face was stern.

He stepped on the accelerator, and the black Bentley flew out like an arrow off the string.

Rong Jinbei's head felt like being hit by a hammer, and the sting was extremely painful. He controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and rested his hand on the car window casually, rubbing his forehead.

He unlocked the phone screen and made a call, but he didn't expect that the last calls were all in Qin Yise's name.

Habitual actions are inevitable.

God knows how many times he dialed her number, and his name was repeatedly pulled into the blacklist and removed from it again.

Listening to the familiar ringtone, Qin Yise froze for a while. Every time her life became messy, it was because of him.

First the unexpected pregnancy, and then the loss of the child, all these joys, angers and sorrows originated from him.

After a while, she swipe the screen to answer, and asked without emotion: "I don't know why Mr. Rong is looking for me at this time?"

Hearing this, Rong Jinbei said lightly, "I can't find you if I have nothing to do? Before the operation, I said a lot, and I think it is necessary to explain to you that when people are weak, their emotional outbursts are a bit inexplicable, so you Don't take it to heart, really, just treat me as nonsense, talking in my sleep, don't wake up!"

Either he was insane, or he was brainwashed. An operation changed his temperament drastically, and his relationship also changed drastically.

"Of course I don't take promises that are not expected." Qin Yise replied lightly.

Because I had already prepared for the worst, I was not as disappointed as I imagined.

While it's not sad at all, it's a lie.

But at least she was mentally prepared, so it wasn't that painful.

Rong Jinbei's breath was suffocated, and it seemed that he could hear his deep sigh through the mobile phone, and there was such a hint of sadness in the wind.

What kind of position did she put him in so that when she said to let go, she could be so free and easy without leaving any room for it.

The attitude of strangers to each other shocked the hearts of both of them.

Rong Jinbei turned the steering wheel, drove forward aimlessly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Aren't you sad at all? If Gu Xiyuan and I were engaged, would you react so calmly?"

"No if, who you like to get engaged to is your business!"

Qin Yise refuted him in a non-emotional tone.

Rong Jinbei hurriedly stepped on the brakes, her attitude seemed to annoy him.

He clenched his teeth, but his face was unprecedentedly calm.

When Qin Yise heard the sound of the brakes, she was a little bit taken aback, but her tone was a little hurried, and she said with an admonishing tone, "You're driving? Then don't make a phone call, lest there be an accident, and it's on me again."

Rong Jinbei's eyes flickered, obviously he was the one who questioned her, but now it was her who detested him.

He snorted coldly: "Don't worry, even if I die here now, I won't have anything to do with you, you just need to answer me a word!"

The man's voice was hoarse, but his tone was very strong.

Qin Yise was silent for a few seconds.

She is currently in an advanced ward of a cadre hospital. Her daughter is sleeping on a shaker, her small face is white and soft, and her black and white eyes are tightly closed.

(End of this chapter)

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