you are the love of my life

Chapter 656 Personality Split

Chapter 656 Personality Split
She gently took her daughter's little hand, and being held tightly by the little guy, Qin Yise felt as if she owned the whole world. This kind of satisfaction made her feel extremely happy!

"Did you find a new love, so you forgot me so quickly?"

Rong Jinbei asked seriously.

Qin Yise had a mouthful of blood stuck in her throat, how could he have the face to ask such a question?

"Answer me, did you find another man, that's why you dumped me so confidently! Qin Yise, you really found a spare tire."

Rong Jinbei stated bluntly, not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

She was so good that she dared to find a stepdad for his daughter!

Qin Yise took a deep breath and didn't know how to answer his question, since defense was not her strong point.

The relationship between her and Luo Yunfan is innocent, but she has never explained such a normal relationship.

At this moment, she heard a hint of suspicion of adultery in Rong Jinbei's words.

This feeling made Qin Yise uncomfortable.

"Is it so difficult to answer this question?"

Rong Jinbei asked aggressively on the phone, his voice almost roaring.

Qin Yise was silent for a long time before she opened her mouth in a low voice, "Dr. Luo and I really haven't known each other for long, and our relationship is beyond friends, but we're not married, so you can doubt it as much as you like, after all, we are not husband and wife relationship, each has the right to choose."

She admitted it so openly.

"If it wasn't for the child, you would have been infatuated with him long ago!" Rong Jinbei asked with certainty.

In a foreign country, where there are wolves in the front and tigers in the back, if you meet a real man who sacrifices his life to save himself, of course your heart will be moved!

Rong Jinbei thought disdainfully in his heart, but his chest was bubbling with sourness.

It's more uncomfortable than a headache, and it feels like my heart is about to explode.

And he didn't even want to admit that he was jealous!
Another man extended a helping hand when she was in the most pain and helplessness, Qin Yise did not deny her superficiality, and replied following his words: "Yes, I am very grateful to Dr. Luo for giving me a second rebirth Opportunity."

"In that case, then I will help you!" Rong Jinbei said generously, with a hint of pretending to be free and easy in his firm tone.

After finishing speaking, there was a brief silence on the phone. Rong Jinbei tightly pinched the center of his brows, and his eyes were bloodshot on his handsome face.

"Thank you Mr. Rong for not marrying me." Qin Yise replied lightly.

When Rong Jinbei heard this sentence, he instantly had the urge to kill, but for some reason, his rationality was desperately trying to persuade himself that she was just a woman, and she didn't really care as much as she imagined, but she was just unwilling...

She gave up on him without hesitation, what else is there to miss him?
"Qin Yise, you're really good!" Rong Jinbei gritted his teeth, almost popping out from between his teeth.

Qin Yise smiled instead of anger, "Why, Rong always wants to say what he says?"

"I've raised my hand to fulfill you. It's fine if I don't appreciate it. I even provoked me on purpose. It won't do you any good at all."

"I know." Qin Yise replied quickly.

"Now that you know, don't mess with me! Otherwise, I'm not sure what I will do."

After Rong Jinbei finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone, and the car drove forward crookedly. He had a headache and couldn't see the direction clearly, so he had to pull over and stop.

(End of this chapter)

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