you are the love of my life

Chapter 661 Don't lie to me

Chapter 661 Don't lie to me
"I have done preliminary research on the child's condition. When the time comes, I will look at the results of the blood test to determine whether conservative treatment or surgery is suitable. I should be prepared. No matter how likely the child is, after all, the child is still too young. The tolerance is very weak, there will be great unknown risks in all aspects, and the family members of the patients must be fully prepared."

Such a small child could die at any time!
You can't use other people's baby bumps as guinea pigs for experiments, right...

Luo Yunfan's hands couldn't help tightening, his pupils shrunk slightly, and his thin lips were tightly pursed. He didn't speak immediately, but after a pause, he said slowly, "You must be sure that nothing will go wrong. In my dictionary, there is only success, not failure."

"You are too conceited, luck and risk coexist, why bother to put your own future into it for a woman, Yunfan, you should think carefully, you should understand what I mean!" The old professor persuaded earnestly.

Why are young people so reckless when they do things now?
Luo Yunfan's slightly narrowed eyes were extremely deep. He looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the blurred and slender figure on the sidewalk below was so delicate that it made people feel distressed.

"Teacher, many times people have their own involuntary control, but no matter what the result is, I have to thank you for your willingness to help me. If the operation is successful, I will invite you to dinner later and treat you warmly."

"Okay, I'll take this favor for now. There are only food and life in the world that can't be let down!" Professor He said with a smile.

He still had a patient waiting, so he didn't talk much, just confessed a few words, and went straight to the operating room.
Carrying a big bag of breakfast, Qin Yise slowly walked into the elevator. Her beautiful figure was reflected on the shiny metal wall.

It's a pity that her eyes were dim, she sighed vaguely, the elevator stopped, the door slowly opened, she raised her foot and walked towards the ward, just in time Luo Yunfan and she arrived at the door of the ward.

Luo Yunfan was still wearing a white coat, with his usual smile on his face, especially when he met her eyes, the smile in his eyes was even brighter and moving: "I'm back so soon, I just wanted to go down to pick you up!"

"It's not too far away. I bought some casually across the street. I don't know if it suits your taste." Qin Yise raised her eyes and smiled at him.

Luo Yunfan took the breakfast in her hand in a gentlemanly manner, and helped her open the door with the other hand, and said as he walked, "I've never been picky about food."

The two walked in one after the other, and the nurse on duty nodded and smiled, and left with interest.

When Qin Yise went out, she entrusted her to help take care of the child, of course she didn't dare to be careless...

I bought a lot of breakfast, but the two of them had their own concerns and neither had much appetite, so half of it was wasted in the end.

Luo Yunfan was the first to break the silence, and said, "Professor He has already diagnosed Xiaobao, and now we will wait for the laboratory to take over and see what treatment method is better."

Qin Yise looked at him gratefully, "Isn't she hereditary thalassemia? Is it more serious than mine?"

She exchanged blood and bone marrow all the way, the process was painful and tormented, it was unbearable to look back.

Her daughter is still so young, she really can't bear it.

If possible, she would rather bear the pain for the baby.

But without treatment, she may die at any time...

Luo Yunfan sat next to her, held her shoulders, and said gently, "Don't worry, she has already received the best treatment. The team of doctors that Rong Jinbei found is no worse than anyone else. Since Dr. Meyer has Taking care to stabilize the child's condition means that there will be no problems in a short period of time, so what we need to do now is to wait patiently for the results."

(End of this chapter)

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