you are the love of my life

Chapter 662 It's Better To Get Two People Injured Than One Person Wandering

Chapter 662
Qin Yise was dubious, "Really? I don't study much, so don't lie to me."

"Haha, how could I lie to you? Don't worry about it, it's useless to worry now!" Luo Yunfan said in a relaxed tone.

Qin Yise nodded obediently, "Okay, I'll listen to you..."

"Well! Just be obedient, believe me, everything will be fine, it's okay." He comforted her, raised his hand and smoothed her hair.

The touch is as soft as satin, sliding from the fingertips, I really hope that she can get out of the haze and be happy, instead of being a rose that is about to wither.

Half an hour later, doctors and nurses came to examine the baby, draw blood and do tests.

Qin Yise and Luo Yunfan were helping, and the sleeping baby, who was hurt by the needle, immediately cried loudly.

Loud cries resounded throughout the ward.

Qin Yise looked at her daughter's pitiful appearance, her eye circles turned red instantly, and she choked up and said, "Doctor Luo, will you really get better?"

Every time her daughter was pricked by a needle, she felt heartache and couldn't breathe.

"Yes... Be strong. Compared with those terminally ill children, little Xingxing is already very lucky. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, and think about the bright side."

Luo Yunfan withdrew his hand and clenched his fist slightly. He really wanted to hold her in his arms and comfort her, but in the end he gave up.

If the venue and time are not suitable, it will only make people talk about it. He doesn't want any gossip to slander her!
Qin Yise was immersed in her own sorrow, closed her eyes in pain, and clenched her lower lip, "I'm afraid she won't last long, after all, it's only a little bit, it's three-point poison, who can guarantee that there won't be a little bit of it?" What about the role?"

She is a useless mother who gave birth to her child, but she could not share anything for her except to make her suffer...

Luo Yunfan sighed softly, "If not, you might as well explain the matter clearly to the child's father. It is better to share the burden with two people than to resist alone. If this continues, your spirit will also weaken."

"No!" Qin Yise's eyes turned hot, and she subconsciously refused.

Tears rolled down her face, she lowered her head hastily, not wanting to let outsiders see her fragility, but there was no way to hide this feeling of powerlessness.

"Your suggestion, I will consider it carefully, but if possible, I hope that I will never let him know, because he never thought of admitting the child, but just used the baby as a bargaining chip to restrain me."

From the very beginning, he planned to get her pregnant with this in mind...

Luo Yunfan glanced at her worriedly, "You can make up your own mind, I think you have not looked well recently, don't force yourself too much."

"I am fine."

Two hours later, the test results finally came out.

Looking at the lists, Luo Yunfan frowned and said truthfully: "The situation is not very good, let's go to Professor He and see what he has to say!"

Qin Yise's feet trembled, and she held on so that she didn't let herself fall down. Any disturbance could make her tense nerves collapse.

"It's okay, just tell me the result, even if it's bad, I can make mental preparations in advance."

Luo Yunfan handed the test sheet to Qin Yise, "Xiaobao's white blood cells keep increasing, while red blood cells are low, and other symptoms are also very unstable. If it continues to deteriorate, bone marrow transplantation may be unable to recover."

(End of this chapter)

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