you are the love of my life

Chapter 668 She Is His Cinderella

Chapter 668 She Is His Cinderella

But the woman in front of her took a sip of her tea again, and said with a self-deprecating voice, "Rely on them? It's better to believe that the sun will come out from the west!"

Luo Yunfan held her hand on the table and comforted her softly, "I'm just asking casually, if they don't help, we have a chance of winning, it's just a few percent less, but it's not absolutely unsure .”

"Doctor Luo, you did it for me. I really don't know how to thank you, but I know that it is definitely right to come to you. As expected, you are my savior." Qin Yise looked back at him gratefully.

Without comparison, there is no harm. The tit-for-tat confrontation with Rong Jinbei just now, under Luo Yunfan's meticulous care at this time, seems to have a huge gap.

"Eat it while it's hot, it won't taste as good when it's cold." Luo Yunfan let go of her, picked up the chopsticks, picked up a shrimp and put it in her bowl.

Qin Yise took a bite, it was fluffy and soft, full of collagen, "It's delicious, you should try it too."

"As long as you like it, just wipe your mouth." Luo Yunfan looked at the long-lost smile on her face dotingly, and handed over a tissue.

Qin Yise blushed, and wiped her lips carefully.

"Professor He means that it is better to have surgery as soon as possible. His schedule is very tight. What do you think? If you haven't made up your mind yet, I'll go and tell him to allow another week."

Luo Yunfan poured himself a glass of red wine, holding the goblet in the palm of his hand, shaking it slowly.

"This is fast? I..."

"Don't be nervous, if you think it's too fast, I'll push it away and delay it for a while..."

Before Luo Yunfan finished speaking, Qin Yise interrupted him incoherently, "It's okay, I don't care, the sooner the better."


She hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily: "Yes."


The next day, the hospital.

The operating room was as usual, with the red lights on blindingly.

Qin Yise was sitting alone on the bench outside, her eyes were downcast, like a calm lake with no ripples.

While Rong Jinbei was having an important meeting in the conference room, when Ling Tuo hurried in and whispered in his ear, he ordered him to smash the cup of coffee in his hand.

"This is that woman's new tactic? Very good, she is so reduced that even if she jokes about her daughter's life, she is unwilling to beg him!"

"A bunch of trash, why don't you stop them?"

"President, it's a military hospital, we have no right to interfere with other people's operations!"

"Get out-"

Rong Jinbei left behind a group of confused high-level executives in the meeting room, and rushed to the hospital, but the surgery had already started, and it was too late to stop it——

"Miss Qin, the child is bleeding heavily and needs a blood transfusion urgently. Please sign the risk consent form immediately."

Qin Yise froze for a moment, and finally there was a reaction on her calm face. She held the hand on the tip of the pen, paused, slightly trembling, and asked nervously, "Will my child die?"

The nurse immediately replied, "We will try our best to rescue him."

When Rong Jinbei arrived, it happened to be such a scene. Qin Yise held the pen and signed the letter tremblingly.

And he, as the child's father, arrived late, with no expression on his face.

Many people even speculated whether he hoped that his daughter would be rescued, or that the child would just die like this... Is everyone happy?

After all, after Rong Jinbei's operation, his temperament changed drastically, which caused the two people's relationship to take a turn for the worse. Everyone was not optimistic about their relationship at first, but now it's even more of a crowd watching, a world-class rich and powerful drama.

(End of this chapter)

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