you are the love of my life

Chapter 669 Head-to-head confrontation

Chapter 669 Head-to-head confrontation
The Rong family is the most prominent big family in C City, and Qin Yise is the most notorious down-and-out daughter in the upper class circle.

This upgraded version of Cinderella and prince will not last long after all...

Love still needs to be well matched to maintain a high level.

Otherwise, how could so many unrequited and unrequited loves, which are so desperately loved, become a death row in marriage and be trapped for life!
Hearing the sound of footsteps, Qin Yise raised her head and looked sideways. Rong Jinbei was standing a few steps away, without moving his eyelids, but slightly raised his chin, and asked his assistant to invite the dean come over.

Not long after, a white-haired professor in a white coat hurried over with the director and the deputy dean. The expressions on their faces were no less than those of nurses. Apart from surprise, they were more confused.

Rong Jinbei's black eyes were gloomy and intimidating, and the four characters "Don't get close to strangers" were written in his eyes.

He narrowed his eyes, glanced at the red light in the operating room, and then returned his gaze to the dean's face, asking sarcastically, "Don't you go in and order your people to stop the operation? What if my daughter makes a mistake?" , your hospital, no matter what the backstage is, just wait for it to close down!"

"Rong Shao, the operation has already begun, and the risk of stopping now will only be greater..."

"That's something you should consider!" Rong Jinbei interrupted him indifferently.

When he was irritable, he habitually wanted to smoke, but when he reached into his pocket, he realized that this was a hospital and ordered a ban on smoking.

Even if he is not restricted by these rules, he will not allow himself to do inferior things with a high quality education.

Rong Jinbei frowned, and impatiently glanced at the deans and directors in front of him, before speaking lightly after a while, "You are a military hospital here, accepting children without authorization, relying on personal friendship to perform random operations, I You are already very polite before you are held accountable, and your court will realize the seriousness of the problem only if you kill someone?"

The dean's complexion became extremely ugly, "Yes, yes, the lesson is that I will give you a satisfactory explanation after the operation is over, and I will severely punish anyone who participated in this operation."

Rong Jinbei snorted coldly, raised his lips ironically, and couldn't discern any emotion in his eyes.

"My child and I have nothing to do with you anymore. Now you come here to cry like a cat and a mouse, who is it for?" Qin Yise put down the pen in Shou's hand and asked in a cold voice.

Rong Jinbei glanced at her sharply, but didn't answer, and even said that he didn't bother to answer.

He has always been like this, doing anything, never needing to report to anyone.

But Qin Yise has special treatment, so I forgot how ruthless his nature is...

The operation lasted for five or six hours, and it was finally over.

Seeing that the red light above went out, the dean's legs were numb. After careful consideration, he asked cautiously, "Master you want to go in and have a look..."

His words stopped abruptly, because Luo Yunfan was wearing a sterile suit, mask and hat, and had already carried the child out, so there was no need to say anything else.

The air was filled with the smell of disinfectant.

Rong Jinbei's gaze was fixed on his daughter, without blinking his eyelids, his thin lips were lightly parted, and he uttered a word without waves, "After Dr. Luo has worked so hard for my woman and child, how can I thank you?" OK?"

Everyone could feel that there was a strong murderous intent hidden in his words.

"No need, it is my duty to save lives and heal the wounded. The operation was a success!"

(End of this chapter)

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