you are the love of my life

Chapter 670 What is Brainwashing?

Chapter 670 What's the matter with brainwashing
"is it?"

Rong Jinbei and Luo Yunfan stood facing each other, their eyes met. Luo Yunfan was holding the little baby in both hands, and the gloves were still faintly stained with blood.

Rong Jinbei stared at the man in front of him with deep, unwavering eyes. Even though he was wearing a mask and only a pair of eyes were exposed all over his body, he still couldn't conceal his distinctive aura.

"Although the child is out of danger, he still needs to be transferred to the intensive care unit for 24-hour follow-up observation to prevent any unexpected risks."

As Luo Yunfan said, he handed the child to the nurse, and gave Qin Yise a firm smile.

Listening to his voice, Qin Yise suddenly relaxed her tense nerves.

She let out a long breath, and this expression of relief made Rong Jinbei feel particularly uncomfortable.

The man looked calm on the surface, but the hands inserted into the trouser pockets were clenched into fists, and his thin lips curved a little, with a half-smile, very cold.

"President Chen, remember what you said just now, I'll wait to see the result." Rong Jinbei said indifferently, and left with his subordinates.

Qin Yise didn't pay attention to him, and followed the child back to the ward with the nurse.

In his eyes and in his heart, there is only his daughter.

For the rest, it doesn't matter...

At the door of the operating room, only the dean, the director, and the medical staff participating in the operation were left.

Professor He was resting inside, and Dean Chen was about to pursue responsibility. Luo Yunfan looked at Rong Jin Beiyuan's back, without thinking, pushed away the dean and director in front of him, and ran after him.

"Young master, wait a minute!"

Rong Jinbei paused leisurely, then turned his head embarrassingly, squinting at the man in front of him.

His handsome face was indifferent and understated, and his thin lips tugged lightly, "What's the matter?"

There were very few pedestrians on the corridor of the hospital, because Professor He staggered all the surgeries today, and only performed this case, so the pale color, immersed in the smell of disinfectant, felt a little lonely.

"It's like this. The operation was successful, and the child's condition can basically be cured. This is unprecedented. I plan to take Yise and the baby abroad, and she also has the same intention."

Luo Yunfan took off his mask and said calmly.

Take their mother and daughter abroad!
Rong Jinbei frowned so tightly that he could almost pinch an ant to death.

Distraught, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Are you provoking me to protest?"

"No, I'm just giving you a piece of advice!"

Luo Yunfan's voice was clear and indifferent without any ups and downs, and even a little regretful: "Young Master Rong, don't regret it until you lose it. Although I know a little about your situation, I don't hold out any expectations. I wake up a brainwashed person. But you think, you care a lot more than you think, don't overestimate your judgment, once you miss some fate, there is no chance to come back in this life, she is right in front of you, obviously within your reach , but you choose to give up."

Rong Jinbei was shocked and angry, but he grasped the words sensitively, was he brainwashed?
How dare this man dare to mock him like that!

It's just that before he opened his mouth, Luo Yunfan had already turned around, and left without a single cloud.

Rong Jinbei left the hospital, sat in the car with a sullen face, and asked coldly: "What is the brainwashing he said just now?"

"Uh...young master, don't be misled by him, Luo Yunfan is trying to sow discord and divert your attention!" Ling Tuo replied veiledly.

(End of this chapter)

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