you are the love of my life

Chapter 671 Maybe I Will Never See You Again

Chapter 671 Maybe I Will Never See You Again

"That bastard Meier really brainwashed me?" Rong Jinbei said affirmatively instead of questioning.

"There must be a misunderstanding, or something ulterior, young master, please calm down, you just finished the operation, so don't get excited..."

Before Ling Tuo finished speaking, he was interrupted by the man in the back seat angrily: "Shut up! Turn around immediately and go to the hospital, I'm going to castrate him."

"Master, calm down."

"How do you tell me to calm down, don't dare to talk nonsense, go to Africa to retire!"


Ling Tuo firmly shut up, not daring to say any more.


After the operation, Xiao Bao's condition improved day by day.

All the indicators are gradually approaching the normal value, and the happiest thing is Qin Yise.

Luo Yunfan watched her busy in the ward, but with a happy smile on his face, he was also infected.

It is enough to prove that the decision he made was correct!
Luo Yunfan stood aside, thought silently for a while, looked at her and said softly, "I'm going back to Europe."

"So fast?" Qin Yise raised her head in surprise, and the movements of her hands also stopped.

"Hmm." He nodded.

"It's agreed that I'll go abroad with you, Doctor Luo, don't you mind bringing two more oil bottles?" Qin Yise smiled mischievously.

Luo Yunfan's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't control his emotions, so he couldn't wait to answer, "I can't wait to ask for it."

"You are so refreshing, I was worried that you would think it was a trouble!" Qin Yise smiled jokingly.

"Why, why don't you go and say goodbye to your friends? After all, you may not come back for a long time after you leave."

Maybe it will be a lifetime.

And what awaits him is the future.

In the end, all the hard work was not in vain, and success will not disappoint those who work hard. He has followed this law since he was a child.

Qin Yise was stunned for a moment, then said sullenly, "I don't have any friends."

Then he started to get busy with the work at hand.

"Where's the child's father? You should go and say goodbye to him and let him see the child."

Foreign countries attach great importance to the law, and will not conceal the right to know, visitation rights, and will not play any tricks in front of the law.

Qin Yise bit her lip, hesitated for a while, and finally nodded, "What you said makes sense, you should say goodbye."

Say goodbye to their past, and from now on, neither will owe each other.

Luo Yunfan nodded in satisfaction, leaving without worries like this is the best effect he wants...

Qin Yise called Rong Jinbei to meet, and he asked her to come to the company and wait.

Some memories, like slow motion in a movie, are rewinded in my mind one by one.

There are her memories here, and it is also the place where she first entered the workplace.

She carried the baby cradle and went directly to the top floor from the VIP elevator.

Rong Jinbei was sitting in the office, the door was open, he leaned back against the back of the chair, with an indifferent smile on his lips, "Hush, don't make a sound, let me guess what you came here today... ...Are you planning to bid farewell, planning to take your wild man and take my daughter away?"

Qin Yise stood in front of him, clenched her hands, and looked up at him: "Don't speak too harshly, Mr. Rong is not afraid of slipping his tongue?"

Rong Jinbei stared at her fair face, sneered coldly, his tone was half playful, seven point disdainful: "Qin Yise, you really think that it may not be a good thing if you plan too well!"

"It seems that my coming today is a completely wrong decision."

(End of this chapter)

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