you are the love of my life

Chapter 676 She is leaving

Chapter 676 She is leaving

Luo Yunfan suddenly made the most daring move in his life. Without even thinking about it, he quickly followed and hugged Qin Yise's waist tightly from behind.

He whispered affectionately in her ear: "During the time you were looking for him, I was so worried, afraid that you would change your mind again. Am I useless?"

"No." Qin Yise sighed, didn't move, and let him hold her.

After a long time, she smiled wryly and said, "At the beginning, I wanted to leave even in my dreams. As long as I could go abroad, even if I had to pay everything as a price, I would nod without hesitation. I picked up such a big one for nothing!"

Hearing her self-deprecating tone, Luo Yunfan felt distressed and sad.

He slowly let go, stared at the top of her hair, sighed, and said: "Isn't it said that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings? You and Xiaobao are probably gods, and I don't have the heart to let you go through any more hardships." Bar."

"Thank you for letting our mother and daughter end their pain. Dr. Luo, your friend, I'm lucky to have it, but I've lost my life!"

This sentence could not be more appropriate to describe her state of mind at the moment.


The whole city is bathed in the sunset, gorgeous and prosperous.

The sun shines on every inch of the land, and the buildings with their own characteristics seem to be coated with gold. Under the setting sun, they shine brilliantly!

Qin Yise's luggage is very simple, only a 26-inch lockbox.

She and Luo Yunfan played around for two days, and finally decided to leave.

In the gorgeous bedroom, the decoration is grand and extravagant.

Rong Jinbei was lying on the big bed, suffering from insomnia again, under the short disheveled hair was a handsome face with deep contours and frowning eyebrows.

His eyes were slightly closed, his long eyelashes cast a faint shadow on his face, his body was covered by a soft air conditioner, his silk pajamas were open, his chest was half exposed, and his even breathing revealed the temptation of asceticism.

The generous big hand habitually reached out to the side.

The feeling of emptiness made his heart sink suddenly.

His eyes slowly opened, and there was no trace of sleepiness in the pitch-black pupils, showing an extremely calm sobriety.

He turned his head and looked out the window, feeling lonely!

Why does he feel sick when he hugs other women, and sleeps alone, and can't sleep alone?

It's not that he hadn't thought about snatching Qin Yise over to try to see if he really suffered from some unspeakable hidden disease, but this idea was just germinated, and was immediately strangled in the cradle.

Because subconsciously, he was very resistant and disgusted, thinking of her and getting close to her.

Hate for no reason, just hate!

Let alone having any relationship with her...

Rong Jinbei stretched out his hands and rubbed the center of his brows, sat up from the bed, lowered his head in a decadent manner, and pawed vigorously twice, the mess was like a chicken coop in an instant.

He couldn't sleep, so he stepped on the cotton mop to open the door and walked out. The servant called out respectfully: "Young Master Rong, good morning!"

The butler came up from downstairs immediately with the maid, with a respectful attitude and a smile on his face: "Master, do you want to eat first, or take a bath and change first?"

"Don't bother me, I'll go out to catch my breath." Rong Jinbei pushed him away and walked downstairs with a blank expression.

"Master, Miss Gu will arrive in 15 minutes, and she said she has an appointment to go to the horse race with you," the housekeeper reported.

Rong Jinbei paused, turned around and stared at him uncertainly, "As my housekeeper, don't you know what I hate to hear the most?"

(End of this chapter)

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