you are the love of my life

Chapter 677 I Know He Will Go Back on His Word

Chapter 677 I Know He Will Go Back on His Word

The housekeeper froze for a moment.

Only Rong Jinbei walked in front, and said again in a cold voice, "When is that woman's plane ticket?"

The housekeeper and maid followed behind with their heads lowered, and quickly answered, "Tonight, at a quarter past eight."

"Very good, I limit you to tie her up to me before the plane takes off!"

"Master, please think twice, what's the use if you can tie her person but not her heart..." the butler tried to persuade him.

Rong Jinbei raised his eyebrows, staring straight into the distance with a lazy posture.

"You didn't even do it, how do you know it's useless?" He made a pun.

Yeah, I haven't done it since I woke up.

No, it should be said that his body has not been done for a long time.

I don't know if it's because it's not working, or because he just can't be sexually interested in women.

In short, he will not let that woman leave easily.

He dismissed it in his heart, but his body was about to move, he was reluctant to let her go...

Days are like years, and a day is like a century.

Qin Yise and Luo Yunfan took their children to rest in the coffee shop at the airport, one was casual and the other was embarrassed.

"Don't be so nervous, take a deep breath, and relax." Luo Yunfan took a sip of coffee and comforted him with a smile.

"No, based on what I know about him, even if he thinks about it, he may appear in my world at any time, even in the remotest corners of the world, so don't try to escape!"

Qin Yi huddled in the booth, even her fingers were trembling.

On the surface, Rong Jinbei held his hands high, who knows if he is really going to let her go?

What if he came up with another method, wouldn't he be happy for nothing!
"Since worrying can't change the status quo, why not accept the test calmly?" Luo Yunfan gave her a meaningful look. As long as she is determined enough, no one can stop her even if she is forced to die.

But she is timid, which shows that she is undecided in her heart at the moment!

How well the doctor recognizes it, no matter the psychological aspect or the physical convenience, no details can escape his sharp eyes!
Qin Yise bit her lips and remained silent, looking at the child in the cradle, her face turned even paler.

A woman's sixth sense is always accurate.

Her worry is not without reason!
The time was finally in the long torment, close to eight o'clock.

When going through the security check, Qin Yise looked around anxiously, and there was no suspicious person.

As expected, when it was almost her turn to go through the security check, the manager of the Rong family showed up at the gate with a team of bodyguards.

Qin Yise's breathing stopped and she forgot to react.

"Take Miss Qin and the child away, don't cause panic!"

"Yes, my lord."

Qin Yise watched the last life and death for more than ten seconds, and closed her eyes in pain. She knew that it was not a good thing to be happy too early.

Rong Jinbei deliberately stepped on the timing to tie her up, which was too much like his style of doing things.

When Qin Yise was kidnapped back to the castle by a group of black-clothed bodyguards, all she felt was desolation.

Luo Yunfan's strength alone cannot stop him at all.

He quickly called the police, only to find that the police did not care.

The Rong family is the king of C City, covering the sky with one hand. Although their family has no bad habits, but Young Master Rong wants a woman, let alone a woman who gave birth to him, who would dare to stop him!

Don't you die?

Back at the familiar place, Qin Yise was tied into a rice dumpling, and she was held up high and entered. Her appearance, no matter how you looked at it, looked like food for people to enjoy.

(End of this chapter)

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